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✦✦✦✦ Chandrila ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Chandrila ✦✦✦✦

Din sighs again cursing under his breath, Kit, who is yet to utter another word since arriving leans against the entrance of the cockpit and watches him struggle to find the mysterious planet they're getting sent to.

Having enough of his agitated groans as he won't ask for help she moves over to the control panel and sets a course to a completely different planet.

"Chandrila?" Din questions.

She says nothing just goes back to leaning against the cockpit door.

He sighs and turns his chair to face her, "The least you can do is talk to me." She looks at her nails and shrugs, "Why are we going there?"

"An old friend." She shrugs then turns on her heel to go see to the kid.

Din turns back around with a sigh and looks to the bright stars in the sky, shaking his head he switches on autopilot then sits back.

"Come on."




Kit groaned hitting her head back against the wall, "Just one go, I'm a good pilot, out flied many ships, and I don't mean the small ones, I mean the big, Corellian ones."

Din turned away from her, "No." He stated firmly.

"This ship is a hunk of scrap and bolts anyway," She huffed crossing her arms, "Now my old ship, an stunner, faster than an X-Wing but the shooting range of a Star cruiser."

"The answer is still no." He said firmly.

She rolled her eyes and got to her feet setting course to a planet, "Yavin?"

She shrugged, "I like the trees."

"We don't have time to go there."

"I'm not going back to Tatooine if that's what you're suggesting." She mumbled before walking away.

Thinking back, they never did get to go to Yavin.

He lifts himself up and then exits the cockpit sliding down the ladder and landing with a thud, he looks over to see Kit sat below the hammock of the kid.

Grogu babbles on as if she can understand him clearly, her hand rests on the hammock gently swinging it back and forth as the kid looks to her.

"Go on." She says and the baby continues to babble on as if telling a story.

Kit fake gasps and shakes her head, "Really?"

The kid nods and goes back to looking up as he moves his hands around wildly.

"What's he saying?"

"No idea." She sighs not even looking at him as he leans against the outside of the room, his arm resting beside her.

"Why Chandrila?"

She sighs, "I don't know of this place either, the most Jedi like place I have ever been is the caves of Ilum, its where I got my crystal."

Din's hand unconsciously goes to the place where said crystal lies beneath his armour, "If we go to Chandrila I can talk to someone who has more knowledge than me, she may not be any more of a Jedi than me," She sighs and finally looks up at him, "But she did the reading."

He nods his head watching as she goes back to question the Child on his story, "Chandrila it is."

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