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✦✦✦✦ Leaving Again ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Leaving Again ✦✦✦✦

Ben looks down at his feet, a large frown on his face, "Do you have to leave, Kit?" He asks looking up at her hopefully.

She sighs and sits on the grassy floor beside him, "I'm afraid I do, Ben."

He leans his head, or tries to, on her shoulder, his dark hair going into his eyes. She pushes it out of his eyes for him and wraps and arm around him, "I'll be back."

"You always promise that."

"And I haven't broken it once, have I?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I guess not." He agrees quietly.

"Where are you going?"

"Well, since I can't find your Uncle Luke, I'm going to search for more Jedi."

He looks up at her and tilts his head, "How will you do that?"

"I'm not sure, but there's someone I'm hoping will be able to help me, I just have to find them first."

Ben nods and gets to his feet, "Dad made me a fake lightsabre so I can practice, I have another one you can practice too!"

She smiles watching the four year old run into the house, returning a few moments later with lightsabres made out of sticks.

She got to her feet with a shake of her head as Ben climbs up onto a fallen down tree, "I have the high ground!"


Kit nods to Han, waving goodbye to the family as he wraps an arm around Leia and places a hand on Ben's shoulder.

Flicking a few switches she levitates off the ground and then flies away.

Putting the ship into autopilot she gets up and walks through the corridors towards the common room.

She didn't get a big ship, one big enough for her to eat and get rest in, it's smaller than the Razor Crest but bigger than the average X-Wing.

Sitting at the table she clicks on the hologram and it reveals the game Chewie taught her as a kid.

Sighing she clicks it off and leans back kicking her feet up on the table, closing her eyes tightly as she tries to block out the voice in the back of her head, the voice that has returned since she left Din and the kid.

"Mediation." She suddenly says settling herself into a cross leg position, "That works, right?"

Shrugging to herself she does what Ben taught her to do.

Back straight, hands placed upwards on her knees, eyes closed and breathing steady.




He left you.


Now you can find Luke.


He never wanted you around.


You helped keep the kid safe.

Opening her eyes she shakes the bad thoughts from her brain, lying flat down on her back she stares at the ceiling above her.


Red. That's all Kit can see, is red.

Flames engulf her, pools of red forming at her feet as she looks down, a dark, gloved hand grabs her arm and pulls her away from the bright fire.

She lands hard on her side with a groan, getting to her feet she looks around quickly, prepared to fight anyone.

"Hello there?" She calls out turning around and looking in every direction.

Darkness stretches for miles, left, right, in front and behind her. She walks forward, her lonely steps echoing in the emptiness around her.

A loud bang comes from behind her and she turns but no one is there, walking backwards as she keeps her gaze forward she sighs.

As she goes to turn around again her foot catches something and she topples over.

Sitting up she sees she tripped over a hand, following the hand she finds Ben lying on the floor, "B-Ben?"

Looking up she sees Han and Leia beside him, turning to behind her she sees her parents, all of them dead, "No, no, no..."

She runs over to her mother and father kneeling beside them, "M-Mum? Dad?" She stutters out her hands trembling as they push the blonde hair from Satine's face.

A cough breaks out behind her and she turns quickly, hand going to her blaster holster only to find nothing there, or no lightsabre at her belt.

Din collapses to his knees, hands clutching his side where blood seeps through his armor.

She rushes to her feet and towards him but stops a few steps away from him, "D-Din?"

"Y-You... you killed us all."


Her face pales as he drops back against the floor with a thud, gasping for breath, she dives forward and helps him lay back properly.

"Okay, okay, I-I need t-to, uh."

She clears her throat and places her hands either side of his helmet.

His gloved hands clamp around her wrist so tight it will likely form bruises, "I have to," She says quietly, "You'll die if I don't." She tries to reason.

He slowly let's go of her hands and Kit's shaky hands lift towards his helmet.

Placing them either side she slowly lifts it and then drops it beside her. Gasping in shock her brows furrow together, "Luke?"

"I-I only wanted to help you."

She stands quickly as his head falls back, his lifeless eyes staring upwards, "No, this isn't..." She shakes her head stumbling back.

"You did this, you did this, you killed us." Their voice fills the air, she walks backwards quickly shaking her head.

"I didn't, I swear, I didn't."

She looks down and her eyes widen, in her hand is a lightsabre that illuminates the dark space around her, a red glow reflects in her eyes as she lifts the sabre, dropping it she turns and runs into the darkness.

"Kathleen, it's not real..."

She looks up when she hears the voice, "What?"

"It's not real. Fight it, fight it, Kathleen."

She looks up as a bright light illuminates the sky, it gets closer and closer until it finally engulfs her. Like a wave of cool water on her skin on a hot day, she feels refreshed as she allows the light to take over her, blinding her so that she has to close her eyes.

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