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✦✦✦✦ The Guy ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ The Guy ✦✦✦✦

Leia hands Kit a cup of tea as she settles beside her watching as Ben sits before Grogu and Han and Din watch them in the distance.

"Is that the guy?"

"The guy?" She questions. Leia nods, a knowing smile on her face, "Did Han tell you?"

"Yes, yes he did," Kit groans hitting her head against the post she leans on, "Don't worry, I thinks it's cute."

Kit shakes her head muttering someone along the lines of 'shut up' as she sips from her cup, "Why won't he take the helmet off?"

"It's his Creed, these types of Mandalorians they can't take them off, not in front of others that is."

"That doesn't bother you?" Leia asks gently, "He knows more about you than your own soldiers and second in command did, yet you don't even know what he looks like."

"I'm pretty sure he's a weird alien race with demon cut eyes and a large serpent tongue." Kit teases as she rolls her eyes. "There's trust between us, Leia, something I don't have with many people."

Leia smiles again as she rests a hand on Kit's shoulder, "You can stay the night, rest up before you leave tomorrow."

"Thank you, Leia, truly."


Kit crouches before the Child who sits in Ben's old crib, she smiles as he gurgles holding onto the old Jedi Council necklace that hands loosely around her neck.

Din sits on the bed at one corner of the room, his rifle in his hands as he cleans it, Leia steps into the room, Ben following after her with blankets in his hands, "I brought you up some food." Leia says setting it down on the bed beside Din.

He nods his head, "Thank you."

"Aunt Kit, catch." Ben says as he jumps onto her back.

She smiles as she twirls him around while fake screaming, "Help, help."

He giggles as he gets off of her and then wraps a blanket around her and another around Grogu.

Leia smiles at them once more before leaving with Ben, "I'll uh- go, so you can eat."

Kit gets to her feet and grabs Grogu from the crib lifting him into the air, "Kit." He calls out.

She stops at the door turning to face him with the kid still holding onto her necklace, "Yeah?"

"Just-uh, don't forget to eat something too."

She nods her head once and then closes the door as she leaves him alone. Din slowly removes his helmet setting it beside him with a sigh before rubbing his hands down his face.


Opening the door after receiving a small 'come in' Kit goes right to the crib and places the sleeping Grogu inside.

She then takes a few blankets of the bed and sets them on the floor, "What are you doing?"

"Making myself a bed."

"You can't sleep on the floor."

"Yeah, well, neither can you."

"We can share." He says instantly regretting it when she remains silent just staring at his helmeted head, clearing his throat he adds, "Its big enough for two people."

She stands there silently staring at the bed and shifting awkwardly making him regret asking, "Okay." She agrees as she purses her lips and walks over.

She kicks off her boots and then hangs her new jacket she stole from Han on the chair. She kneels beside her bag and searches through before bringing out a fresh set of bandages.

"What are you doing?"

He watches as she struggles to tie the bandage behind her head, "Blind folding myself, then you can sleep without the bucket."

He steps forward hesitantly, "Can I?"

She nods and his un-gloved fingers wrap around her hands taking them away from the bandage, his armoured chest presses against hers as he tilts his head to see the white bandage behind her.

Careful not to pull any strands of her hair as he ties the knot in the fabric he steps back, he waves a hand in her face but she stays there unmoving just looking straight ahead.

"Uh, Tin-Man?"


"You're gonna have to guide me to the bed."

He nods in realisation, although she can't see it, and gently takes her elbow guiding her to the bed, he helps her slide in and places one of the blankets over her before stepping back and removing his armour one by one.

When the hiss of the helmet meets her ears she shifts closer to the wall allowing him to climb in beside her.

She lets out a large breath as she settles against the pillows allowing sleep to overtake her.

"Goodnight." She whispers just before she completely drifts off.

"Goodnight, Princess."

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