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✦✦✦✦ Jawas ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Jawas ✦✦✦✦

"I thought you were dead." An Ugnaught comments when the trio approaches, he turns to the Child raising one of his grey brows, "This is what was causing all the fuss?"

"I think it's a child." The Mandalorian says.

"It is better to deliver it alive then." He turns to Kit who is looking around at the sights, "And this one?"

"She was the other half of the bounty," He says looking over at her, "And, my ship has been destroyed. I'm trapped here."

"Stripped. Not destroyed. The Jawas steal. They don't destroy."

Under the helmet he rolls his eyes, "Stolen or destroyed, makes no difference to me."

The pair turn when they hear laughing, Kit laughs as the Child chases after a small Frog, "They're protected by their crawling fortress. There is no way to recover the parts."

"You can trade."

"With Jawas?" Kit asks walking over to their conversation, "Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what those little things are like?"

"I will take you to them. I have spoken." He says walking away from the pair.

Kit stares after him, mouth open in shock, "If I get sold by them I'm blaming you!"

"Hey! Spit that out." Mando yells suddenly she looks over as the Child swallows the Frog letting out a loud burp.


Kit sits with her legs dangling over the edge of the cart as Kuiil drives it, the Child floats beside them in his crib and the Mandalorian sits with his back to the side of the cart.

She grunts, struggling with the chains on her wrists, "Stop that." He orders when they rattle again.

She stops, looking up at him, raising her cuffed hands only to shake them violently creating more noise, he rolls his eyes turning his head away but keeping his eyes on the girl who goes back to struggling with the cuffs.

The cart pulls to a stop and the Jawas cheer when they see the Ugnaught, they begin to back away when they catch sight of the Mandalorian.

"Greetings! They really don't like you for some reason." Kuiil shrugs.

"Well, I did disintegrate a few of them."

"You need to drop your rifle."

He looks over shaking his head as he climbs out of the cart, "I'm a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion."

"Then you're not getting your parts back."

With a sigh he drops his rifle putting it away from the woman who watches with an amused face, "Fine."

"And the blaster."

Kit climbs out of the cart, leaning against it as she watches the sight before her. Kuiil speaks Jawa to them before turning to the Mandalorian, "They will trade all the parts for the Beskar."

"I'm not gonna trade anything. These are my parts. They stole them from me." He turns to the Jawas and speaks a broken up version of their language which makes even Kit laugh.

"You speak terrible Jawa. You sound like a Wookie." They laugh.

"You understand this?" He asks shooting a flame towards them which makes them all run away in fear.

"No! Whoa, easy, easy." Kuiil says holding his hands out to clam them.

Having enough of this and having dealt with these many times, Kit makes her way over, "Mob un loo?/ How much?" The Mandalorian and Ugnaught jump having not seen her make her way over.

They point to the cart behind them and she raises a brow, "Yanna kuzu peekay. /This is not for sale."

They start swearing at her, telling her they want either the armour or the cart, then they spot the Child.

A Jawa approaches the Child making Mando hold up a threatening hand, "Get away from it!"

The Jawas scatter, and Kit turns towards the Jawa that is handling the situation, "There must be something else."

They all begin to huddle together talking in hushed whispers, "We will require The Egg. Bring us The Egg."

Kuiil face palms while both the Mandalorian and girl look at them confused, "What egg?"

The Jawas begin to cheer, pumping their fists into the air, "The Egg! The Egg! The Egg!"

They get into the Sandcrawler, driving towards where the so called Egg is. When they stop Kit follows them out, her hands still cuffed in front of her.

"Stay here." He orders.

"I'm coming with you."

"Stay here, I'll be back."

She goes to protest but he walks away, "If these guys steal me and sell me as a slave I'm coming for you, Tin-Man!"


Staring at the sky above her as she tosses a stone into the air allowing it to fall back down again Kit waits impatiently for the Mandalorian to return.

Kuiil stands above her and the Jawas walk away closing up there Sandcrawler, "Wait, just a little longer." He asks but they shake their heads ,he sighs, "Fine, Go without me!"

Kit sits upright suddenly shocking him as she drops the rock ,her head snaps towards the landscape where the Mandalorian limps towards them, Egg clutched in his hands.

"I have it!" He calls, "I have The Egg!"

The Jawas lower the ramp sprinting over and pushing him away as they take the Egg from him.

He walks over to the woman and Ugnaught raising a brow at them, "I'm surprised you waited."

"I'm surprised you took so long."

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