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✦✦✦✦ Where are you ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Where are you ✦✦✦✦

"Moff Gideon is mine. Got it?"

Cara tilts her head slightly as she looks at the older woman, "He's ex-ISB. He's got a lot of information. I need him alive."

"I don't care what happens to him as long as he surrenders to me."


Din slowly exits the ship looking around at the destruction caused by the four women, he shakes his head before going off in the right direction.

He hides behind a corner as a pair of Troopers jog pass before running around the corner to where the Dark Troopers should be held.

He rounds the corner to see the doors slowly opening, "No, no!" He runs forward quickly ramming the code cylinder into its rightful place as he hurries to close the door.

The doors begin to close but one of the Troopers grab a hold of it stopping it from fully closing, Din shoots his blaster at the droid but it doesn't affect it.

Stepping back he curses as the droid gets through, the doors slamming shut behind him and blocking the others inside. The Dark trooper punches him and he falls back sliding against the floor until his back hits against the wall.

The Troopers left inside begin to punch the doors trying to get them open.

Din continues to shoot at the droid as it walks closer, it wraps a large hand around his neck and lifts him into the air as the other hand forces him to drop his blaster.

The droid lifts him into the air before bringing back a first and punching him on the helmet forcing his head back into the wall behind him from the force.

He groans as his head jolts from the power of the punches, the bars behind him snap and gas hisses out from behind him.

Struggling to breath from the harsh impacts he shakily lifts his wrist and spits fire at the droid.

The droid catches fire and looks up at Din before tossing him behind him. Din looks up at the control panel and struggles to reach for it as the Dark trooper grabs him by the foot and pulls him away from it.

It walks towards him firing shots that get deflected thanks to his Beskar armor, flicking his wrist he sends the whistling birds at the droid making it falter.

Din spins around on his knees and grabs his Beskar staff stabbing the Trooper through the head. He rips it off and then runs to the control panel allowing the other Dark troopers to get sucked into space.

Allowing himself just a few seconds to catch his breath he takes off running again, this time towards where Kit and the kid should be.

Shooting the control panel for Kit's cell he bursts through the door, blaster raised up high.


He looks around the room slowly, brows drawn together, "Kit?" He says again.

"Dank Farrik!" He curses loudly as he kicks the old bandage on the floor, the only sign of life in these walls, "Where are you, Princess?"


"Weapon system disarmed." Reeves tells them all.

Bo-Katan nods as she holsters her blasters and looks around the bridge, "Where's Gideon?"

Cara and Fennec walk in after making sure the last of the Troopers are dead, "He's not here?"

"No." Bo-Katan sighs and turns to the control panel as she gets to work.

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