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✦✦✦✦ Repairs ✦✦✦✦

Kit sits on the edge of the cart, the Child floating beside her, "Is it still sleeping?"

"Yeah," She breaths out leaning back and looking up at the Mandalorian, "Explain it to me again." She requests.

He sighs looking away from the Child to look at her, "I still don't understand what happened." Kuiil adds on.

"Neither do I."

By the time they get back to his ship its dark out, Kit leans back watching them fix his ship despite her wide knowledge on engineering.

"You know," She says walking over to them, "I could fix this whole thing in a couple of minutes, all you have to do his take off the cuffs."

"No." He denies immediately not even looking away from the piece he is trying to screw in.

Rolling her eyes she leans against the side of the ship, "It's Anti-clockwise, three times."

He looks up at her then back at the ship and does what she says, standing up straight he nods and walks away to which she rolls her eyes again and goes to check on the Child.

Resting her back against one of the rocks she slowly falls asleep as the sound of metal on metal fills her ears.

The Mandalorian watches as the sun rises above them, Kuiil puts the last part of the ship together and steps back to watch his work, "I can't thank you enough. Please allow me to give you a portion of the reward."

"I cannot accept," Kuiil says holding his hands up and shaking his head, "You are my guest, and I am therefore in your service."

"I could use a crew member of your ability. And I can pay handsomely." He offers.

Kuiil shakes his head, "I am honoured. But I have worked a lifetime to finally be free of servitude."

He nods his head, "I understand. Then... all I can offer is my thanks."

"And I offer mine. Thank you for bringing peace to my valley." He bows his head down and walks away leaving the Mandalorian all alone with the ship and sleeping girl.

He walks over and glances at the still sleeping Child, "Wake up."

She stays there, slouched against the rock, "Hey, girl." He kicks her foot gently but she doesn't move, "Uh- Kit."

She groans lifting her hand to protect her eyes from the sun, "What?"

"We're leaving."

She groans, eyes widening when he lifts her up and pushes her towards the ship, she looks around as she enters sitting at one of the chairs behind him, "So, where to now, Tin-Man?"

He sits in the pilot's seat, flicking a few switches, "To collect the Bounty on your head."

"Honestly, I was hoping for something a little more fun on my half."


Mando clenches his jaw as Kit continues to tap her foot against the floor, "Stop that."

"Stop the ship."


"Then, no." She says nodding.

"I'm not stopping the ship, I'm taking you to the Client."

She nods giving him a look that says 'obvious', "Take me to the ratchet man, but leave the Child, say that he died or something."

"My mission is to take you both in, its Guild protocol."

"Look at him," She orders but he ignores her, "Look at him." She says a little louder.

Sighing he turns to look at the Child who coos up at him with a small gurgle, "They will torture him, torture him into insanity, he won't last a week at most, you can't take him there."

"Sit down."

"Leave him."

"Sit down."

"Leave. Him."

"You can either sit down," He says standing up to tower over her, "Or I can use the Carbonite chamber down below to freeze you."

She stares at him, a hidden fire and anger behind her eyes as he retakes his seat, "You're a fool, Mandalorian, and I'll be your downfall."

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