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✦✦✦✦ Personas ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Personas ✦✦✦✦

Climbing down to the space below Mando looks over at the barley awake Kit, he grabs a first aid pack from the side and walks over sitting on a bucket that he uses as a stool.

"Kit." He says nudging her awake, she jumps up, her fists ready for a fight but he holds his hands up in defence, "It's just me."

"Oh, great," She says sarcastically, "The guy who left me in that horrible the place."

"Also the guy who saved you from there." He adds on.

She rolls her eyes shifting so she is siting up straight, he holds a cloth out towards her, "Can I?"

She just nods weakly closing her eyes as the coldness hits her cheek, he gently wipes the blood from her face his eyes studying her. The scar above her eyebrow, the freckles that litter her nose and cheeks, the blueness of her eyes and the tattoo hidden behind her hair.

"What's that for?" He wonders, pointing at the tattoo.

Her hand goes to it, tracing over the symbol, "The rebellion," She says quietly, "One of my many personas."


"I've had many different names over the years, if you want to survive, got to do it right."

Beneath the helmet he raises a brow at her words, "Who are you now?"

"Who do you want me to be?"

"How about yourself?" He suggest with a shrug as he stands, putting away the cloth filled with blood.

He turns back to look at her as she studies his movements, "Okay," She shrugs her shoulders a little and gets to her feet holding out a hand, "I'm Kit, Kit Solo."

Kit looked at Han as he sighed rubbing a hand down his face, "This man, he's- just let me deal with him."

She nodded as she jumped off the speeder with his help, she was still new to the smuggler business, Han tried to keep her out of it but she refused saying she wanted to help.

"Okay." She agreed following him inside.

There stood a man, tall and proud, dark hair swooped to the side and clothes reeking of richness.

"And who is this, Mr. Solo." He asked, looking to Kit.

"My sister," Han said as Chewie pushed the girl behind him, "She accompanies me from time to time, parents want her in the family business."

"It's nice to meet you, Miss. Solo." The man grinned before gesturing Han over to a table.

That played in Kit's head the entire mission, all the way to Kessel and back.

Sitting in the cockpit with the distant sounds of Han and the Wookie arguing filling the ship, Kit stares out into space watching as two particularly close stars twinkled together.

"Kit," Han called announcing his presence, "You alright?"

She looked to him and nodded as she turned back to the stars, "You sure?"

"I'm fine." She said, watching in the corner of her eye as he sat in the pilot's seat beside her.

He watched as she played with her necklace, "Kit," He said again, this time a lot softer, "What's wrong?"

She looked down with a sigh, "Do you remember your parents?"

"A little," He shrugged, "Not really much I want to remember."

"I remember one thing about each of them them," She said, "The comforting voice of my mother as she sang to me and the twinkling eyes of my father, that's all."

He sighed, "I don't even know who I am, I'll never know who they are." She spoke sadly.

Han sat up, placing his hand on her shoulder, "Sure you will, you'll see, we'll know who they are."

"I'm tired of it, Han," She complained, "Tired of being just 'Kit'."

"Then don't be just Kit." He shrugged.

She looked over at him finally with a small frown, "Then who will I be?"

"Be... Kit Solo, smuggler, orphan and younger sister of the incredibly handsome and dashing, Han Solo."

She shook her head giggling as she shoved him in the side, "Okay then," She agreed, "Kit Solo it is."

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