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✦✦✦✦ Davan ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Davan ✦✦✦✦

"Zero. Get us to the control room." Mayfeld speaks into the comms.

He moves aside as Burg and Xi'an drop down, followed by Mando, he looks up just as Kit drops down, easily landing on her feet unlike the others who had stumbled slightly.

"Sub-level three. Disabling on-board surveillance."

"All right, we're on the clock. Second we engage those droids they're gonna be all over us."

"I know the drill." Mando says.

"Bio trackers activated. I've got eyes."

"All right, let's go."

They walk through the corridors and Kit keeps her head up high, ignoring the ones she had put in there herself, an Imperial Guard spits at her but she continues her journey unfazed.

Seeing the interaction and the looks being given to Kit by the prisoners Mando speaks up, "I don't like this."

"You always were paranoid."

Mayfeld chuckles mockingly, "Is that true, Mando? Are you always paranoid?"

Mayfeld is startled by a prisoner that bangs on the doors beside them, "Solo." The prisoner spits.

Kit nods her head to the man with a smirk, "Ferus." She greets coldly and moves on leaving everyone else staring after her.

"Approaching control room. Make a left at the next juncture."

Kit looks over at a small droid and continues to walk forward while everyone else jumps and looks over at it with their blasters raised, "What? It's just a little mousey," Burg says drawing his blaster and shoving past Kit, "Come here, little mousey."

"Burg..." Mayfeld says in warning.

"Mousey, come here. Come here."


When the droid tries to flee Burg yells and shoots it causing it to fly across the floor, "No! Burg! What're you doing?"


Security droids round the corner and Mando pulls Kit back against the wall, "Intruder alert. Open fire."

They begin shooting at them rapidly, Kit pokes her head out shooting at them only to be brought back by Mando, "We're too exposed here!" Xi'an yells over the noise.

"They get a signal out it's not gonna matter! Mando, let's go! You're supposed to be some special-" Mayfeld yells, he looks back to see that both Kit and Mando have disappeared.

"I knew it! I knew it!" He yells angrily.

Kit's fingers twitch to grab a hold of her silver weapon, but she knows better so instead her hand settles on her blaster, running forward before Mando can stop her she dives down and takes out one of the droids. Mando follows after her, repeating her action.

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