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✦✦✦✦ Satine and Obi-Wan ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Satine and Obi-Wan ✦✦✦✦

Kit sits quietly outside the large home of the clones, her back pressed against the wall and knees to her chest as the other two talk inside.

She had been told by her father stories about clone troopers and his own battalion, along with stories of her home, Mandalore.

She had heard many stories of the Death Watch and how her mother died, she always wonders how it happened, did she go peaceful? Was she in pain?

Thoughts like this often plagued Kit's mind. She finds herself wondering about thing out of her control, about decisions she has made and the effects they have had on other people. She may act like she doesn't care what her shooting and killing people may do, but she does.

She wonders if those hunters and troopers have their own families, a little kid waiting for their parent to get home, maybe an older relative, a mother or grandfather.

When these thoughts cross her mind she likes to lock them away. She closes her eye, goes to the very back of her mind and opens a large black door, she shoves the thoughts inside along with other memories or thoughts that plague her mind, and then she takes a large silver key and locks the door before throwing away the key.

She never returns to this door unless she is hiding away another thought, she never returns.

But today, today as she sits outside and awaits the two clones decision on if they're going to help her or not, she returns to the door, and she brings out the thought of her mother, her mother dying in her father's arms before they even had time together with their daughter.


The door behind Satine opened, lifting herself from the floor as one of the Death Watch entered she settled a scowl on her face, "What do you want, traitor?"

Suddenly the guard fell forward and Korkie appeared behind them, blaster in hand, "I would never betray you, Auntie Stine. I'm here to rescue you."

She stood quickly, a smile on her face, "Korkie."

"Freeze!" A guard yelled.

A shot came from behind knocking him down and they turned, "Death Watch." Satine gasped, the Mandalorian took of their helmet to reveal a head of red hair, "Bo."

"It's okay, Auntie," Korkie said, "She's on our side now."

"Why are you helping no?" Satine asked, unconvinced her sister had changed her mind.

"The enemy of my enemy, is my friend."

"There was a time when we weren't enemies." Satine sighed, Bo Katan nodded, "Perhaps that time has come again. Come on, let's go."

Bo rolled her eyes at her sister, "Where are you going?"

"To get my baby."


After trying to escape, Satine found herself in a cell again, only this time she had her baby curled up in her arms sleeping softly, the child was just a few months old and already being dragged into this war.

The door behind her slid open and she brought the child closer to her rocking her back and forth, "Here to do more of your master's bidding?"

"I do my own bidding." A familiar voice said.

Satine's eyes widened, caused by fear of revealing the truth and excitement of being saved.

"Obi-Wan." She got to her feet, hugging him with the arm that didn't hold the child.

He stood back, eyes slightly wide as he cleared his throat, "Are they-?"

She knew what he was asking, looking down as the child began to stir, opening her eyes to reveal bright blue ones that matched her mother's, Satine nodded, her gaze on the baby refusing to look at him.

"Yes." She finally breathed out. "This is our daughter."

Obi-Wan smiled down at the little girl, "Can I- can I hold her?"

Satine smiled handing the baby over and he let out a small chuckle as the baby grabbed a hold of his finger.

She smiled at the sight, hand going up to caress the baby's head, "Please, Ben, you have to save her, take her away, far away."

"I'll save you both, I promise."


Obi-Wan looked down at his daughter and then at the Mandalorian before him, "Take her." He finally said.

Bo Katan nodded, taking the baby in her arms, "I'll take her to safety."

Obi-wan slowly pried the babies hand from his index finger and kissed her forehead, "We'll meet again, Kathleen, in this life or the next." He whispered as he watched the ship fly away.


The door opens and Kit stands quickly, looking with eyes filled to the brim of hope. Wolffe grunts, crossing his arms over his chest while Rex sighs,

"We'll help you, Princess."

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