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✦✦✦✦ Anakin Skywalker ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Anakin Skywalker ✦✦✦✦

As Kit sleeps-for the first time since Nevarro- her subconscious takes her back to Tatooine, almost three decades ago to when two men would visit her in the old woman's home that she stayed at.


The Jedi Master's foot tapped rapidly against he ship as he stared out into space, his old Padawan walked up behind him, his brows raising.

"What is it, Master? What's the mission?"

"There is no mission, Anakin," Obi-Wan sighed rubbing a hand through his beard, "There's something I must tell you."

Anakin nodded his head and sat beside him, "I have a daughter, Anakin, a small girl who I've been keeping a secret for almost a year."

The younger Jedi's eyes widened and he jumped from his seat, "A daughter?"

Obi-Wan nodded, his gaze settled on the crystal he held in his hands, "Her name is Kathleen, she lives with an old woman, on Tatooine."

"Tatooine? Can we go there?"

"I didn't think you'd want to go back there."

He shrugged slightly trying to forget the past, "Can I meet her?" He questioned, "Kathleen?"

Obi-Wan smiled at the mention of his daughter and nodded.


Anakin sat in front of the almost two year old, his hands outstretched as she wobbled over to him, Obi-Wan stood behind her arms out ready to catch her if she fell.

"Come on, Kathy," Anakin said using the nickname he had given her a few months back when he first met her, "You can do it." He continued to encourage her giving her praises.

She fell forward landing in his arms and he laughed clapping, "See? I told you she'd get it soon, Obi-Wan."

He stood up spinning her around as the baby giggled and placed her hands on his cheeks them together, "She's getting good now." He spoke, though it came out muffled by the baby's hand that continued to hit against his face.

"Wait until Padme hears the news, Kathy," He said as he handed her over to her father, "She'll be so pleased."

He poked her on the nose gently and she smiled grabbing at his finger, "You'd be a good father one day, Anakin."


The Sith Lord stood on the ship, staring at the dusty planet below them, his memories wandering to just a few years ago, "The attack is ready."

"No." He spoke quickly.

His eyes were closed beneath his helmet, he had reached out through the Force, to the thirteen year old, she seemed happy, healthier.

"I'm sorry?" His commander stuttered out.

"I said no," He said again a little more firmly, "Turn the ship around, we will not be going to this planet."

"But, sir."

Vader raised his hand the commander lifting into the air too, "I said, turn the ship, around."

He dropped him to the floor and he clutched at is throat quickly barking the orders to a nearby Trooper.

He decided to leave the Sith Lord to himself as he watched the planet disappear before him, the strong feeling of the force that radiated from the planet due to three different beings disappearing too.

Kit stopped suddenly as she walked through the streets of Mos Espa, Han hadn't noticed as he argued with a sales man over the price of a jacket he wanted to get Kit for her to stop stealing his and cutting them so they'd actually fit her.

Kit looked to the sky, brows furrowing as she tilted her head slightly and squinted.

She saw what she thought was a large ship, but shook her head and then it was gone, the feeling that had made her look towards that area going with it.

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