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✦✦✦✦ Destruction ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Destruction ✦✦✦✦

The door slides open and Kit slowly looks over with an unimpressed look having been awoken from the small nap she was taking.

Moff Gideon walks inside and stares down at her, "Ready to talk?"

She watches him walk towards her but doesn't move, she doesn't want to show him he's getting to her, not after the smirk on his face when he watched her getting tortured.

She remains silent, eyes following him as he stands in front of her and then slowly crouches to be eye level, "You can tell me everything you know, or I can torture you even more, your choice?"

Kit raises one of her brows as she tilts her head to hit into the wall beside her showing how bored she is as she repeatedly hits her head into the wall beside her, keeping eye contact with the man in front of her.

"Come on, Kathleen, tell me what you know."

Kit spits in his face and he stumbles back as she goes back to staring at him unamused, he grits his teeth and then turns to the two Troopers flanking the door. He nods his head back to her as he walks out.

"Have fun."


Din looks at Mayfeld with wide eyes and then the body of Valin Hess that lies against the floor with a blaster shot to his chest.

The pair look back at the Trooper that stands with his dinner plate, he looks between them both and Mayfeld quickly shoots the Trooper and turns to shoot the other Officers inside the mess hall.

Din grabs the blaster from Hess and stands in time to shoot the Officer aiming at Mayfeld, "You did what you had to do."

Mayfeld grabs the helmet and hands it back over to Din, "I never saw your face."

Din stares at him for a moment as he slowly takes the helmet back from his hands, he drops his blaster and then quickly pulls the helmet on as the announcer says something over the speaker, "Security to main commons."

People run towards the mess hall and Mayfeld shouts for Din to follow after him which he quickly does.

They jump onto the ledge and Din nods at Mayfeld, "Ready? Go!"

They both kick back breaking the barrier on the window behind them, they continue to shoot at the Imps as they climb out of the window and across the ledge.

Din leads the way across the ledge and Mayfeld gulps at the water below them. As Troopers follow after them Fennec and Cara shoot at them from their points on the hillsides.

"Let's move!" Din yells.

"What the hell you think I'm doing?" Mayfeld yells back at him as he climbs onto the roof.

A Trooper falls past them thanks to Cara and they run across the roof towards where Slave-I awaits them, they shoot at the Imps as they run and both jump across onto the ramp.

Din helps Mayfeld to his feet and guides him into the ship, they both turn shooting back at the Troopers as they fly further into the air, "Hand me that cycler rifle." Mayfeld orders and Din does.

He shoots at the building, hitting one of the shipments creating a large explosion that takes out the entire compound, "We all need to sleep at night."


"Well, look like its back to the scrap heap." Mayfeld comments as he and Din meet Cara and Fennec outside the ship ramp, Fennec nods to Cara and then walks inside the ship eyeing Mayfeld as she passes.

Din turns to look at Mayfeld and nods his head in appreciation, "Thank you for helping."

"Yeah, sure. Uh, good luck gettin' your kid back, and the General."

He sighs and looks to Cara as he holds his hands out in front of him, "Alright, Officer, take me back."

"That was some nice shooting back there." Cara comments.

"Oh, you saw that? Yeah, that, uh, that wasn't part of the plan." He admits sheepishly, "Just... gettin' some stuff of my chest."

Cara ignores Mayfeld as she shakes her head and turns to Din with a sigh, "You know, it's too bad Mayfeld didn't make it out alive back there."

"Yeah," Din agrees as he plays along, "Too bad."

"What are you talkin' about?"

Ignoring the man once again Cara shrugs, "Looked to me like prisoner number three-four-six-six-seven died in the refinery explosion on Morak."

"Does that mean I can go? Huh?"

Cara and Din say nothing as they continue to look at each other, Mayfeld shuffles to the side slightly, "Cause I will."

Sighing Din nods his head to the side and Mayfeld begins walking backwards, "All right," He chuckles before turning around, "Okay."

Cara sighs as she watches the man disappear through the trees, "You get the coordinates on Moff Gideon?"

"I did."

"What's our next move?"

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