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✦✦✦✦ Imperial Walker ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Imperial Walker ✦✦✦✦

"Looking at the footsteps there are about fifteen, maybe twenty of these guys." Kit says standing up from her crouched position.

Mando walks back over from where he was standing, meeting the two women half way, "And something big sheared off these branches."

They move on to where they find a large footprint, "AT-ST."

"Imperial Walker?" He asks as the pair nod, "What's it doing here?"

"I don't know, but the last time I saw one I almost got killed by it." She says recounting her time on Endor.

"Kit, get out of the way." Han yelled over the noise.

Kit rolled her eyes as she jumped out of the way of a blaster shot, "If you stopped yelling at me every five seconds I'd be able to focus!"

"And if you two would stop arguing I'd be able to focus!" Leia yelled at them.

They both simultaneously apologised to the princess and went back to shooting at the Troopers surrounding them, "This reminds me of Mos Espa!" Kit yelled over to Han.

"You and I have very different memories of Mos Espa!" He yelled back.

She shrugged and looked across noticing one of the soldiers in her command in the line of fire. Doing the only reasonable thing she could think of, she ran and pushed him out of the way getting hit in the process.

Dropping to the floor she held her abdomen just as the large foot of the Imperial Walker came down towards her.

"Kit!" Han yelled running towards her.

Leia's eyes winded as she watched not being able to move due to the blaster shots getting fired close to her head.

Suddenly the Imperial Walker stopped and fell to the side, the other Walker opened and out came Chewbacca, yelling furiously at the girl who had put herself in danger, "Sorry, Chewie!" She yelled over to the Wookie, hooking her arms around Han's neck as he helped her back over to where Leia was.

"This is more than I signed up for." Cara sighs, bring Kit back from her memories, she begins to lead them back to the villages where everyone is gathered around waiting for them.

"Bad news, you can't stay here anymore." Mando says bluntly.

The crowd erupts all asking the same question, 'why'?

"Nice bed side manner." Cara scoffs.

"You think you can do better?

"Can't do much worse." She mutters stepping forward, "I know this is not the news you wanted to hear but there are no other options."

"You took the job!" Stoke yells furiously.

Caben nods in agreement, "Yeah!"

Kit steps into view, uncrossing her arms as she takes a place in front of Cara, "That was before we knew about the AT-ST."

"What is that?"

"The armoured walker with two enormous guns that you knew about and didn't tell us. You don't stand a chance, I've seen it takes out armies ten times the size of this planets population."

"We have nowhere to go." Omera says sadly holding onto Winta.

Cara shrugs, "Sure you do. This is a big planet. I mean, I've seen a lot smaller."

"My grandparents seeded these pods."

"It took generations!"

Cara sighs, "I understand. I do. But there are only three of us."

"No there's not! There's at least twenty here!"


Kit scoffs, rolling her eyes, "She means fighters. Be realistic."

"We can learn! We can! Give us a chance! Please!"

"I've seen that thing take out entire companies of soldiers in a matter of minutes." Cara says bring the attention back to her.

"We're not leaving."

"You cannot fight that thing."

"Unless we show them how." Mando says.

Kit turns to him, brow raised and head tilted, "Tin-Man, you haven't seen that thing in action like we have-"

"Exactly, you've seen it work." He says, shrugging.

"Yeah, and it killed half of my men on Endor, I'm not taking that risk again."

"Show us!" The Villagers yell, "Yeah, we can do this!"

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