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✦✦✦✦ Corvus ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Corvus ✦✦✦✦

The trio sit around a hologram of the universe, "The last we heard she was on the forest planet, Corvus." Rex says.

Kit leans closer to the hologram zooming in on the planet, "Why is she there?"

"You've heard of it?"

"Been there," She says leaning back again, "There's barley anything there, small city, villages here and there." She shrugs her shoulders and crosses her arms.

Rex knocks off the hologram and steps back as Wolffe speaks, "She's there for a reason, she's looking for someone and the woman there has knowledge of where they are."

Wolffe walks into the cockpit while Rex stays with her, "We cannot accompany you on your journey, Princess."

"Please, stop calling me that."

"Okay then, General."

"Stop." She says again as she grumpily sits in the seat, "I haven't been either of those things for a long time."

He sits opposite her watching as she plays with the necklace around her neck, "My General was a brave man, he'd risk his life for any one of his troopers, he just trusted the wrong man."

Kit looks up, the pain she's been hiding behind her eyes for so long shining in the lights of the ship, "Keep the people who you trust closest," He tells her as he places a hand on her shoulder, "You'll be fine, Kit."

"Course is set." Wolffe says as he walks in.

Rex nods and gets to his feet, Kit following them out of the ship, "Thank you," She says sincerely, "Both of you."

Wolffe nods and gives a small salute as he steps back, Rex turns and gives her a quick hug, patting her on the back, "Good luck, Kit. May the Force be with you."

She nods stepping back, "May the Force be with you." She repeats.

She walks back to the cockpit sitting down in the pilot's seat as she lifts off.


Kit stares out at the stars around her, something she has always done, she doesn't know why, but ever since she was a kid she'd be able to just sit and watch the stars twinkle.

Knees to her chest with her arms wrapped securely around them Kit stared at the galaxies around her, she smiled slightly as a particular bright star caught her attention.

Ben stood in the doorway behind her watching as she tilted her head to the left and stared at the star, sensing his presence she turned towards him and flashed a smile, "Hey, Ben."

He nodded and sat in the open seat behind her, "How long until we get there?"

"Alderaan?" She questioned to which he nodded, "Few more hours, won't be long."

He nodded again, watching as she went to look at the same star which had now passed, so instead she settled her gaze on a different one, "An old friend of mine used to enjoy doing that, watching the stars."

Kit hummed not taking her gaze away from the space around them as Ben watched her, "Someone once said to me, 'That the people we have loved who have passed-"

"Can be found in the stars." Ben finished for her.

She furrowed her brows and looked over at him, "How did you-"

"Who said that to you?" He asked.

She shrugged, "Can't remember, some man when I was in Mos Eisley with Han and Chewie."

"I did, Kathleen, I said it to you a few days after your mother had passed away to you. And a few years later when I had seen you again."

"You did?" He nodded his head slowly and suddenly it all fell into place.

Rubbing her hands down her face as she yawns loudly Kit gets to her feet and stretches out earning a pop from the bones in her body that had gone stiff.

With a heavy sigh as she looks around, bored that she has no Child to entertain herself anymore she grabs her sabre and walks to the open room in the middle of the ship.

Using the Force she lifts a box into the air and then slices it down easily, before holding up the new parts and slicing them down.

She practices twirls and spins, using it as if she has been for years, when in reality before the shoot out a few weeks ago she hadn't touched it in five years.

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