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✦✦✦✦ The Force ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ The Force ✦✦✦✦

Kit ignores the shouts of Mando and Cara as they arm wrestle below, she stares out at the stars around them.

Her hand goes to the two necklaces beneath her shirt, grabbing the old crest and the white crystal in her hands she holds them against her.

Her head and heart are in a raging battle, she couldn't leave them, could she?

Of course she had her own family out there, and she was...is still looking for Luke, he's still out there somewhere, along with Han, Lei and little Ben.

But now she has this family, Mando, the Child, Cara, a very dysfunctional family.

Did Mando really want her to leave? Is she just part of his mission in keeping the kid safe?

Sighing slightly and closing her eyes as she leans back in Mando's pilots chair she brings her knees to her chest and raps her arms around them.

She's broken her one rule, just the one, no attachments.

"I really need you, Ben..."

"But what is it?" Kit asked as she watched Ben sit cross legged in front of her on the cliffs edge, "The Force?"

Ben sighed, opening his eyes and nodding to the spot in front of him, she quickly sat there, crossing her legs and mimicking his position, opening one eye to make sure she is doing it exactly right.

"The force is the larger mystery of the Universe. To trust your feelings, is your way into that."

She sighed and opened her eyes again, "Yeah, but that is it?"

"It's the balance." He said simply.

"Balance?" She repeated, closing her eyes again and resting her hands on her knees like he did.

He breathed out a large sigh as he relaxed further, "The Force is not the power you have. It's not about lifting things, or stopping people. It's the energy between all things, a tension... a balance, that binds the universe together."

"Is it light? The Force?" Kit asked.

Ben shook his head, his mind going to places he said he would never visit again, "The Force is neither light nor dark, master nor slave, but a balance between extremes."

"Balance," She nodded, "Right." She sighed, opening her eyes and dropping her posture, "Why are we doing this?"

"To be one with the force."

"But the Force won't always be there," She reasoned trying to find sense in her new learnings, "It can't save everyone."

"The Force will be with you. Always..."

"You okay?"

She jumps looking over her shoulder at Mando who she hadn't realised was there. Clearing her throat and straightening herself out she nods, "Fine. How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know you're lying."

"Like I said," She says turning away from him as she hides the two necklaces beneath her shirt, "I'm fine."

He stares at her, looking her up and down as she stares at the planet they approach, "The kid just almost killed, Cara."

"Good for him, he's learning."


She leans back and looks up at him, "He's learning."

"I heard what you said, do you know what it is?"

She nods, looking back at the stars that surround them as she remembers old Ben, "The Force." She hums.

Mando repeats the words back, confusion clear in his voice, "It's something that surrounds us, a balance, its binds the universe together, darkness rises... and light to meet it." She says so quiet that he barley hears her.

"How do you know so much of it?"

"How do you know so little of it?"

She looks down, playing with the bandages on her hands as she readjusts them to cover her hands perfectly, "Ben," She says sadly, "He's- He was an... old friend, taught me everything I know of the Force."

"What happened to him?"

"He risked his life for us."


"The Universe, but as he'd say, 'The Universe must go on, he's now one with the Force'."

She gets up out of the chair as they get closer to the planet, "We're almost here. I'll tell the others."

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