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✦✦✦✦ Lightsabres ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Lightsabres ✦✦✦✦

The new duo stand in a clearing of trees, circling each other, Ahsoka holds both her sabres in her hand and Kit holds her own in a defensive position.

"Who trained you in the act of a lightsabre?"

"My father and a close friend of mine."

"Close friend?"

"Luke, Luke Skywalker."

Ahsoka falters at the name but quickly went back to circling the other girl, "Are you good with it?"

"I like to think I am."

Kit remembers her first real duel with her sabre, it was with Darth Vader, and she'd never even used her lightsabre against a potential enemy before that day.

The quartet watched as Vader struck down Obi-Wan, "No! Dad!"

Kit ran forward before anyone could stop her, anger and pain overpowering her body as she used the Force to bring her father's sabre to her.

Vader turned towards her, his breathing heavy through the helmet and she faltered at his towering figure.

"Ah, I must have missed one."

"You'll pay for that." She said through gritted teeth, twirling the sabre effortlessly, just like Ben had taught her.

He smirked at her beneath his helmet watching the rage behind her eyes, "Yes use it, use the hate and the pain, use it, embrace the Dark Side."

She jumped at him, the blue sabre meeting his red one creating a purple glow that reflected in her eyes.

She jumped back ducking to avoid his swing and then raising her lightsabre to stop him, using the Force she pushed him backwards and then stood back a little twirling he sabre.

Vader swung down again and she twisted quickly, her sabre sinning into reverse grip as that was the only thing she could think to do in order to stop the weapon from meeting her head.

He brought his red lightsabre down onto her and she raised hers with both arms, struggling to keep it up as he forced her own, with his other hand he reached out with the force to push her down further but she let go with one hand and pushed him right back.

Teeth grit, shoes rubbing against the floor as she was pushed back Kit didn't want to release either of the grips, not until she had avenged her father.

"You'll lose, young one, give up now, and you shall have a merciful death."

"You killed my father, now I'm going to kill you."

The sith lord faltered upon hearing the words, father, his old master had a child, a child he had seen, visited with Obi-Wan several times on the old planet of Tatooine, one he had pushed far from his mind during Order 66 in order to protect her.

He let go of his hold on her and brought his sabre up, "Kathy?" He whispered.

She ignored his sudden change and twirled her sabre into reverse grip, something she had never really done before, and then brought it up cutting the hand that held the red lightsabre.

"Kit! Kit!" Han continued to yell from across the hanger.


He said again watching her, his eyes going from a yellow to a blue beneath his helmet, the girl stumbled back, eyes watching him as she ran back to her friends.

She couldn't get that name out of her head, Kathy, there was only one person who had ever called her that, back when she was still a baby, she remembered the sky blue eyes that once stared down at her with a bright smile along with a pair of green ones always around.

Ahsoka brought her white sabre down but Kit dodged it and they began their circling again, "If I am to help you," Ahsoka began.

She jumped up and flipped over her trying to land a blow only for Kit to turn in time and bring her purple sabre up to stop her. "I need your help in return." Ahsoka continues.

Kit nods her head a little to eagerly, "Anything, I'm aching for a little action."

"There's a woman in the city here, she holds valuable information which I need, help me get to her and get the information."

Kit nods her head, "When do we start?"

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