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✦✦✦✦ The Magistrate ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ The Magistrate ✦✦✦✦

Din leans back in his chair and then sighs as he gets to his feet, he drops to the floor below with a thud and then looks around.

He walks to the area he doesn't usually go to, the place Kit used to sit for hours on end doing nothing but staring into empty space or cleaning her weapons, or even meditating.

Din sighed, he made sure the kid was in his room then dropped to the floor below, "Kit?" He called out, his brows furrowed together.

He walked further into the ship and then found her sat in a corner, boxes surrounding her with her baster in front of her as she cleaned it, "What are you doing?"

"Cleaning my blaster."

Rolling his eyes he nodded, "I see that, why are you sat down here?"

"This is my corner, I have claimed it, now go away." She mumbled, not once looking up to him as she knew he would listen and not go near the corner. And he didn't, he never did.

He sits in the small space, having to keep his legs straight unlike Kit who could cross hers over one another.

His hand hits something and he pulls out a silver hilt, one like the other one she has, he illuminates it and a large blue blade sticks out of the end unlike her purple one, he attempts to twirl it around like Kit does but ends up hitting boxes over.

Jumping up he quickly deactivates it and then stares at the hilt. He carefully connects it to his belt allowing it to hit against his thigh as he walks back into the cockpit and takes his seat.

Setting the Razor Crest down Din sighs and looks to the Child who stares up at him, "We just need to find her," He tells him as he lifts him from the chair. "We won't be long."

Din steps down the ramp looking at the dead forest around them, the baby coos behind him and he turns to see him holding the small ball from the lever in the ship.

"What did I say about that?" He asks taking the ball from him, the baby frowns watching as it gets taken away and tucked into his belt, "This needs to stay in the ship."

He turns to look back out at the dead trees as a creature growls in the distance, "Not much to see out here. Never had dealings with a fully trained Jedi before."

He picks up the Child setting him into a small pouch that rests on his hip, "Let's see what we're dealing with."

They walk off towards a large wall that surrounds the small village like city, guards stand on top of it, looking down on them, he stops before them and tilts his helmet covered head up to look at them, "State your business!"

"Been tracking for a few days. Looking for a layover."

The man raises a brow and nods his head, "Nice armour. You a hunter then?"

"That's right." He confirms.


"Last I checked."

The man hesitates looking down at him, Din shifts under his gaze and rests his hand on the silver hilt under his cape, the fact he has no knowledge on how to use it not bothering him as it gives him a sense of security, "Open the gate."

Allowing the breath he was holding in to tumble out he walks through the gates of the place.

The pace is dirty, the people are thin and turn away as the stranger walks through their town.

Stopping in front an old woman he speaks, "Pardon me, vendor, have you heard of anyone-?" He sighs watching as she simply walks away.

He spots a man crouched down in an alleyway talking to two children, Din walks over taking slow and careful steps towards them, "You there. I need some information. I'm looking for someone."

The man gestures for the children to leave as he hands them over some food, "Please, do not speak to them, or any of us."

"Look, I just need to know-"

Din is cut off by two alien guards walking up behind him, "The Magistrate wants to see you."

The guards lead him to large doors at the end of the path. He passes prisoners locked in electric containers, they get shocked every so often crying out in pain.

Trying not to show any emotion he continues on walking through the open doors into a large green area. It's filled with trees and small ponds with a large bridge going across the middle.

A woman stand son the bridge tinkering with the leaves of a tree as she holds a bowl in one hand, her head lifts towards him as the doors behind him close.

"Come forward," She orders, "You're a Mandalorian?"


She grabs some flakes from a bowl and tosses them into the pond, "I have a proposition that may interest you."

"My price is high."

She finally gives him her full attention as she smirks, "This target is priceless. A Jedi plagues me, I want you to kill her."

"That's a difficult task."

"One that you are well suited for. The Jedi are the ancient enemy of Mandalore."

He remains standing there stiffly, "As I said, my price is high."

The Magistrate holds her hand out and a guard passes her a long staff made of Beskar steel, "What do you make of this?"

He slowly walks towards her taking the staff in his hands, he hits it against his wrist guard listening to the noise that fills the air, "Beskar."

"Pure Beskar," She adds, "Like you armor. Kill the Jedi, and it's yours."

He hands it back over to her carefully, "Where do I find this Jedi?"

She smiles smugly as she rests the staff at her side, "She's around, but to bring her out, you'll need something."

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