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✦✦✦✦ Survive Together ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Survive Together ✦✦✦✦

Din sighs, he left the others in the bridge just wanting some time to himself.

He goes to the hanger, where he knows he'll be able to look at the stars more clearly.

Helmet now back on his head, the reason is he thinks he may break at any moment, he walks through the ship.

His journey stops suddenly and he looks across the hanger to the open space, a figure, or two figures, making his breath hitch.

He takes carful steps, his footsteps quiet as he's afraid any loud noise will wake him from this dream.

He stops beside them, looking over their figure as he tilts his head to look down on them.

They stand with their eyes on the stars, them reflecting in their eyes, hands clasped behind their back and head slightly tilted to the side.


She smiles slightly, not looking away from the stars in front of her, "Didn't think I'd leave again, did you?" She questions teasingly.

He lets out the breath he had been holding in and turns to face the stars, "Had an old friend I needed to see."

She tilts her head to the droid sitting beside her who beeps happily as his head spins around. R3 lets out a squeal making Kit smile as she pats his head.

The droid then rolls away while whistling to himself, Kit turns her attention back to the large space before her as a silence takes over them.

She closes her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips as she enjoys the peace knowing that it's going to be destroyed in just moments.

Din turns his head to look at her again, feeling his gaze her eyes flutter open and she turns her head to look right back at him.

They both turn to fully face each other and Din gently lifts the necklace from under her shirt. The signet catches the light as he tilts it, her hands reach around the back of her neck and she begins to lift it off to give it back to him but he stops her.

His hands gently lower her own back to her side as the necklace rests against her chest, "Keep it."

She smiles again, her eyes going down to where it rests. She look back up to meet his visor, just wishing she can see his eyes again, or his smile, just wishing she can see him.

She lifts her hands but stops, her hands hanging loosely in the gap between them. She can't possibly do it, they may both be Mandalorians but they've both got different beliefs of the Mandalorian way.

Din's hands rise to take her own in his gloveless ones, he guides them to either side of his helmet closing his eyes at her touch despite not actually feeling it.

Kit freezes, hands still on either side of his helmet, she looks up to him for reassurance and he nods his head.

His hands still resting atop of hers he allows her to slowly lift the helmet.

He takes the Beskar from her hands dropping it to the floor beside them with a thud that breaks the silence.

Blue meets brown as she finally looks up to meet his gaze, breaking the trance she was in as she stared at his helmet lying at her feet.

She rests a hand on his cheek, thumb rubbing back and forth slowly as she takes him in.

Din's eyes close as he leans into her touch enjoying the warmth she gives him, her scared hands, rough and beaten, hold his face gently and softly.

He raises his right hand placing it over hers that holds his right cheek as he rubs his thumb back and forth slowly.

His gaze looks to her lips, something that happens a lot but this time he has no helmet to hide it from her.

She notices this and slowly leans up on her tip-toes, it's still not enough to fully reach his height, getting the message he dips his head down meeting her half way.

Their lips meet in a soft kiss, barley brushing against each other at first. Din leans further into her, his hand going from his side to the back of her head to hold her closer.

Kit leans up further into him, one hand still holding his face and the other bracing herself against his armoured chest.

The kiss gets more heated, Kit's hand making its way into his hair, wrapping the curls at the nape of his neck around her finger and tugging softly.

Din grips her waist a little tighter and she sighs into the kiss as his other hand moves from her neck to her jaw.

Teeth clash, noses hit into each other and the pair melt on the spot.

When they do finally break apart, it's not because they want to, but because of the burning sensation in their lungs, begging them both for oxygen.

Panting heavily, with swollen lips and red cheeks they opens their eyes to look at each other.

Din smiles again, a small, genuine smile as he pushes a stray wisp of hair from her face, his hand travels down her jaw, neck, shoulder, and arm until it meets her hand.

Interlacing their fingers he raises their joint hands and kisses her knuckles gently.

"What do we do now?"

"Survive... together."

Kit and Din will Return

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