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✦✦✦✦ Sister of Han Solo ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Sister of Han Solo ✦✦✦✦

Mando looks at Kit who walks beside him, Cara a little ways back talking to Kuiil, Greef and his bounty hunters in front of them.

What Greef said replays in his head over and over, sighing as he can't hold it off anymore he turns to her, "Who are you?"

She raises a brow at him, confusion swarming her, "Kit?" She says in a questioning tone.

"Who are you really?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks.

He sighs, "Kit Solo," She looks up at him as he says her name, "It's not your real name, or it could be, but you have another name, one that's making the Imp want you more."

"At least you have a name to call me," She says looking forward, "I don't even know your name, and by the look of it, neither does anyone else."

"I swore to the Creed."

"I swore to myself."

She sighs, looking down at her worn boots as she remembers the day she got her name, "I didn't know who I was, who I really was," She begins, "After the woman who took care of me died, I was taken by the Empire, almost ten later I finally got free, and ran right into the back of a man as I just got close to my freedom."

"He could've grabbed me, turned me in, but he didn't, he helped me, hid me from the Troopers that searched for me, he gave me a better life. It wasn't until two years later that I took his name... Solo. I was tired of not knowing who I was. All I had was my first name, Kathleen."

"Kathleen?" He questions.

"Han gave me the nickname, Kit, I became Kit Solo, orphan, smuggler, sister of Han Solo. I finally found out my true identity when I was nineteen, but, my father died the same day, right in front of my eyes. I stayed as Kit Solo, it was easier, I didn't need that pain, or the weight of my name on my shoulders."

"As Kit Solo, I'm carefree, surviving... as the other person," She shakes her head, "Let's just say there'd be a lot of people who'd be looking to me, I'm not looking for that kind of heat, I'm not cut out for it."


Kit nods her head at Cara and Mando then gestures to the Bounty Hunters subtly who have circled around them, "You think they're having second thoughts?"

"Could be. I need your eyes."

"We're watching."

After a few more minutes of walking they slow to a stop, Greef turning to look at them, "I guess this is it."

Greef spins around quickly firing two shots, the hunters behind them drop to the floor but the trio keep their blasters trained on him.

"There's something you should know," He begins kicking the hunters over and hitting their blasters away from them, "The plan was to kill you and take the kid. But after what happened last night I couldn't go through with it."

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