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✦✦✦✦ Training ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Training ✦✦✦✦

Kit stands, arms crossed and a resting bitch face as she watches them prepare to fight, "We could use your help." Mando says leaning against the barn beside her.

"Could you?" She asks, a clear indication at she doesn't care in her tone.

"You're a good fighter."

"I'm good at surviving, there's a difference."

He shakes his head, "I've seen you fight, it's good." When she remains silent he sighs, "They need your help."

"So did a lot of people when I fought, they still died, I still failed them."

"You're being very negative right now."

"I'm always negative."

He leans his head back slightly and she glances at him from the corner of her eye, the sliver of skin poking out from underneath his helmet catching her eye.

"I need to talk to you." She says seriously catching his attention.

He turns to her, allowing her to continue and she looks down at her boots, "I'm leaving," She says quickly, "I'll help you fight, and then I'm off."

"Leaving?" He asks, brows furrowed beneath his helmet.

She nods, finally gathering the courage to look up, "You don't need me tagging along forever, I can take care of myself, have for years, I'm just putting the Child in even more danger."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What will you do?"

She shrugs turning to look at the children running around, some of them laugh and others run to their parents, "I have family out there," She says watching as one little boy gets scooped up into his father's arms, "An aunt, brothers, sister... I need to find them."

"You have siblings?"

"Not really, more of adopted siblings, I guess," She smiles at the kid who laughs as his father places him back on the floor but quickly wipes it off her face hoping no one noticed, but he did, he noticed, "Nonetheless, they're family."

He nods his head stiffly, straightening himself out, "Okay, we should be ready to go tomorrow, then you can leave."



She nods, watching as he walks back over to the villagers who are shooting blasters, "Good." She whispers to herself.


Cara approaches her old Commander slowly, afraid that she'll snap as the girl has been doing all day at anyone who approaches.

Kit sits, leaning over the edge of one of the shelters, her hands resting on the railing and her chin resting on her hands.

"So, you're leaving?"


Cara raises her brows sitting beside her and leaning back on her hands, "Why? I didn't think you'd actually go along with it."

Kit opens her mouth to talk but closes it realising she doesn't know what to say, "I'm putting them in danger." She finally says.

"The only person you're putting in danger by leaving, is yourself."

She sighs looking down, "I guess leaving is the only thing I know."

She remembers the people in her life, the ones who left willingly and unwillingly.

"Bo left me to go off gallivanting God knows where, my mother and father left, both of them later dying. When things got tough, Han and I, we did the only thing we knew, we'd leave. It's the only thing I'm truly good at..."

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