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✦✦✦✦ The Client ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ The Client ✦✦✦✦

"You could do the right thing," Kit says, "For once. You have no idea what those guys will do to me, to the little guy."

Mando ignores her as he lands the ship, "I've been there before, the kid doesn't stand a chance against what they have in store for them."

He grabs her elbow and pushes her forward, "They'll torture him, torture him so bad that he'll give up and wish for death."

He drags her through the town towards the Client's hideout ignoring her ramblings, "They'll torture this small, innocent child. I know, they did it to me, my friends, they won't stop."

"Just keep walking."

"I'm not going back," She pulls her hand from his grasp and stops walking, "I-I'm not going back to those-those monsters, and I can't let you take the kid."

"Keep. Walking."

"Give me the Child."

"Keep walking." He says taking a step towards her.

She shakes her head, "Take me, and leave the child."

He rolls his eyes beneath the mask stepping forward to grab her, "I'm taking you both, you're my bounty."

She kicks him back and brings her hands down successfully un-cuffing herself, she brings her fists up in front of he for protection and nods her head. "I'm not letting you take him, I thought you'd see how wrong this is."

"Put the cuffs back on."

"Fight me."

She raises a brow and circles him, "I'm making you a good deal here they'd pay you the same amount just for me, they've been hunting me since I was twelve, take the kid to safety, and give them me instead."

"Or I could do my job and give you both to them."

He raises his hand sending out a taser that hits her back, she falls to the floor knocking herself unconscious.

Mando cuffs her again and looks over at the Child who coos, he looks back at her as he lifts her up. He carries her the rest of the way, trying to ignore the soft giggles of the child.

He finally stops kicking the door as his hands are full, he lifts his card to the scanner and watches two Stormtroopers step out to lead him inside.

"Easy with that." He says when one of the rocks the Child's crib.

"You take it easy."

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes." The Client says happily when he approaches the Child with a tracking fob. His smile widens when he sees the girl in Mando's arms, "You found her, you found her."

A Doctor walks over and scans both the Child and Kit with a machine, Mando tenses slightly when the girl shifts in his hold. "Very healthy, yes."

"Who is she?"

"Someone of great importance," He stands up and gestures to the two Troopers who grab her harshly, "Your reputation was not unwarranted."

"Careful with her," Mando says pointing to the Stormtroopers who drag her away, "How many fobs did you give out?" He asks turning his attention to the Client.

"This asset was of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure their delivery," He walks over to a desk brining out a large container, "But to the winner, go the spoils."

The container opens to reveal Beskar, Mando walks towards it, his eyes shifting between the two assets and the Beskar.

Kit groans lifting her head as she finally regains consciousness, "Such a large bounty for such a small package."

The Child whines as he gets taken away, Kit struggles in the two Trooper's hold, "No, no, let me go, no!"

She kicks around, her limbs flying everywhere as they struggle to contain her, "Leave the Child, leave it alone!"

"You know what to do with her."

"Stop! Stop, no, I-I won't... stop!"

The Mandalorian turns away, not being able to watch as she struggles in their grip, trying to escape as he screams and cries pierce their ears to which the Client just laughs.

"What are your plans for them?"

"How uncharacteristic of one of your reputation. You have taken both commission and payment. Is it not the Code of the Guild that these events are now forgotten?" A door behind the Client opens and screams of pain can be heard until it closes again shutting them off, "That Beskar is enough to make handsome replacement for your armor."

He turns his attention back to the man in front of him, "Unfortunately, finding a Mandalorian in these trying times is more than finding the steel."

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