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✦✦✦✦ Loras ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Loras ✦✦✦✦

"Ben," Kit sighs as she tries to pry the kid from her legs, "Ben, I have to go."

"I don't want you to leave." His voice is muffled as he tightens his hold on her.

She pulls him away and kneels in front of him placing her hands on either shoulder, "Remember when I said I'd always be back?"

He nods his head, "You always say that."

"And I haven't broken that promise once, have I?" He remains silent making her lift his head up to look at her, "Have I?"

"No." He says quietly and she nods.

"There you go, I'll always be back for you."

He gives her another hug and steps back, "Look after your parents for me, Master Solo, okay?"

He nods his head and gives her one last sad smile as she steps back beside Din.

"Ready to go?" He asks gently.

She nods her head and turns to follow after him.


Kit leans back as she sets in the coordinates, "What are you doing?" Din questions as he stands behind her.


"No you're not."



She huffs but makes no move to get out of the seat, he places his hands on his hips and looks down at her with a sigh, "Fine."


"Don't make me regret this."

She grins and flicks a few switches, before they know it they're lifting into the air, "I don't think-"

"We'll be fine."


"We'll be fine." She says as she takes off, he grips onto the back of her chair when suddenly a red flash takes over the cockpit, "We're being followed."

"I can see that." She sighs.

The comms crackle before a voice fills the cockpit, "It's over, Kenobi," A familiar voice says, she groans and flicks a few switches as Din tries to reach over she slaps away his hand, "There's a great bounty on your head, should've given you in when I had the chance."

"Hello, Loras." She says stiffly as she flips upside down to avoid the blast, whereas she stays on her seat strapped in securely, Din falls to the ceiling then back with a groan, "You might wanna sit tight, Tin-Man."

"Don't ruin my ship!" He orders as he moves the passenger's seat to be closer to her.

She shrugs and then makes sure their course is set, "Are you still salty about the fact I was a better shot than you, Loras?" She speaks into the comms.

"Give up, Kenobi, you're gonna lose."

She chuckles as she makes a sharp turns so she is in front of his ship, "You and I both now, Loras, I don't give up."

She sends a shot to him and then dives down to avoid the one he sent at them, "Or lose." Bringing them back up again she watches as the ship blow into many pieces.

"Who was that?" Din asks as he gets up looking out of the window to watch the ship behind them.

"The guy that caught me before you did." She answers as she flicks another switch and they go into hyperspace. "Told you I'm a good pilot."

He grumbles something under his breath and wastes no time in taking back his seat as she stands, "I'm getting the kid." She says as she slides down the ladder.


Din looks behind him to see a half asleep Kit with Grogu securely in her arms, her head moves to the side and she jerks awake again.

Shaking his head he quietly gets up and takes the kid from her making her sit up right, "Get some rest." He says in a whisper.

She barley opens her eyes, just nods and then sinks back down into the chair, bringing her knees to her chest as she curls up in a ball.

He sets Grogu down on the chair beside his and hands him the metallic ball he always plays with.


The kid's head snaps up to him and he lets out a chuckle, huffing the kid goes back to the ball in his hands, "Grogu?" Din says again a little quieter as Kit shifts in her sleep behind them.

"Give me the ball." He says holding his hand out, Grogu holds it closer to himself and leans away from his hand, "Grogu, give me the ball. Come on."

Grogu slowly hands the ball over and then Din holds it up for him to see, "Okay, here we go."

Kit shifts in the seat and moves herself so she can see through her half closed eyes, "You can have it, just like before. Grogu, come on, you can have it."

He reaches out and the ball flies into his hands, "Dank farrik!" Din exclaims making Grogu jump and drop the ball as a whimper leaves his mouth.

"Hey, no. I'm not mad at you. You did good. I just..." He sighs, "When the nice lady said you had training, I just..."

He sighs and leans over handing the ball back to him, "You're very special, kid. Just like Kit. We're gonna find that place you belong, and they're gonna take real good care of you."

He looks to the red dot on the map and leans back, "This is Tython. That's where we're gonna try and find you a Jedi. But you have to agree to go with them if they want you. Understand?"

He looks back out to the space around them, "Plus, I can't train you. You're too powerful. Don't you want to learn more of that Jedi stuff?"

Grogu grunts in response and coos as he sees Kit is awake and watching the interaction, "I agreed to take you back to your own kind, so that's what I need to do. You understand, right?"

Kit tilts her head as she looks between them with a sad smile, Grogu looks over at her tilting his head as he holds the ball out to her, using the Fore she slowly pulls it towards her and allows it to rest in her hand before letting him copy her movements. She looks to Din as he mutters a few more words to himself, "We'll be alright."

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