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Bo Katan grabbed the small child as fast as she could, "I'll take her to safety." She promised the father.

Nodding his head he smiled sadly at the child, "May the Force be with you always, Kathleen." He smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead, gently moving her hand that had wrapped around his finger.

Smiling down at the baby, who was just a few months old, Bo Katan took her in her arms and ran as fast as she possibly could to the ship waiting to take her away from Mandalore.

Watching her home disappear as she flew away she walked over to the child looking down at her, "You'll do great things, Kathleen, I promise you."

She sat back watching the worlds pass until they finally reached their destination, an old dusty and dry planet.

Wrapping the shawl around the baby to protect her from the sandy winds Bo Katan knocked on the large door in front of her.

"Please, you must take her."

The old woman looked down at the small baby wrapped in blankets to protect her and then shook her large, round head, "They will come."

She stared back at the woman holding the child who was looking at her with pleading eyes. This was just a baby, she took her away as fast as she could, she had no choice if she wanted to save the kid she had to send her away, as far as she could.

"They will come if you have the baby or not." Bo reasoned.

The old woman nodded her head taking the child in her grasps and staring down, "She looks like her father." She commented.

"She does." Bo agreed smiling sadly as she left.


Eleven years later...

The girl ran, as fast as her feet could carry her, as fast as she could possibly go, throwing things in the way of her captures.

Her mind flashed back to the large dark sword that the man held in his hands, the electricity going through her veins, the screams she let out as her captors laughed and smiled at her pain.

She grit her teeth, rubbing at her hands and wrists that burned in pain.

She breathed heavily, feet carrying her until she was stopped by hitting into someone's chest and flying back against the floor.

Crawling backwards as she stared up at the brown haired man, her breathing picked up, she had a look of pure fear on her face as she desperately crawled backwards away from him.

"Hey, hey, hey, kid, I'm not going to hurt you." He said kneeling in front of her and holding his hands up in defence.

He looked up when he heard the voices of Stormtroopers, taking off his jacket he threw it over the girl and hid her as they passed, "You there, which way did the girl go?"

"Towards the dunes," The man said, "I wouldn't bother, she won't survive, Jabba's out there, I heard he's looking for a new slave or two."

The Trooper ignored his words and signalled the others out into the darkness of the night. Watching them disappear he turned back to the girl who shook in the coldness of the night, or it could have been fear.

"It's okay, they're gone, are you lost?" She quickly shook her head and stared at him as he held a hand out for her, "Do you need a place to stay? My ship isn't far from here, just on the outskirts."

She didn't know what came over her, and until this day she questions it, questions why he was so kind considering his cold nature and why he took care of her for as long as he did, but she took his hand and she got on his ship with him.

Handing her a bowl of some sort of food he sat her down on the round table and handed her a large cape as a blanket, "What's your name, kid?"

"K-Kathleen." She stuttered, her hands shook as she sipped from the bowl.

"You got a surname?" He asked.

She thought hard, long and hard but nothing came to mind, she didn't even know who her parents were so she'd never know her surname, "I don't have one."

"Kathleen, that's too long, how 'bout I call you Kit?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

She smiled to herself and nodded eagerly, "Well, Kit, I'm Han, Han Solo."

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