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✦✦✦✦ Hello Again ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ Hello Again ✦✦✦✦

A grunt fills the air as two guards struggle to drag in a cuffed prisoner, there's a sack over their head hiding their identity as they kick around.

The Magistrate pulls a control from her pocket and clicks it, a strained groan can be heard as they guards stop beside her.

"This, is my Jedi's companion, what will hurt her more, is if you kill this one in front of her first."

She grabs the bag pulling of off their head and Din's breath catches in his throat.

There she stands, the girl he hasn't been able to keep out of his head.

Her hair is stills styled the same but it no longer reaches her back, this time it reaches her shoulders, barley even tickling her collar bones. She wears a white shirt that is only half tucked into her trousers, the same boots sit on her feet and she still wears her bandages and many bracelets.

Her head is hanging low and she hasn't spotted him yet, he simply nods at the Magistrate as she walks towards Kit, he wants to reach out, to hold her and run away saving her from this place, but he can't.

She grabs the girl's cuffed hands and passes them over to Lang, the head guard, along with the controller for the cuffs.

"Let's go, Princess."

She takes this as her opportunity, lifting her hands up she knocks him back and the jumps up hitting the two guards behind her, she twirls around to face the guards as her cuffed hands go over the Magistrate's neck.

They all hold their blasters up as she walks backwards, her back facing Din so she still doesn't see him.

"Pull that trigger, and I cut off her airways."

They all stop as she tightens her grip on the woman's neck causing her to gasp, "Let her go, Kenobi."

"I can't do that."

"Let her go!" Lang yells.

He clicks the controller causing her body to lock up and shake from the electricity coursing through her, the Magistrate quickly grabs her arms unhooking herself and pushes her back only for Mando to go to catch her but stop when Lang grabs her cuffed hands.

"You'll have your hands full with this one, kill her painfully slow, make sure she screams."

Kit scoffs, rolling her eyes as she turns with him only to stop as her gaze settles on Din. She goes to open her mouth but he subtly shakes his head making her snap it shut.

Lang leads them back to the main doors, leaving the others, people watch as the Mandalorian and Jedi are escorted out into the forest.

Lang glances down at the Child in the pouch but Kit keeps her gaze forward not trusting herself to look down, "What is that thing?"

"I keep it around for luck."

"You're gonna need it where you're headed."

Kit smirks to herself, she doesn't even look back from where she stands in front of the two men, "Gods, I can't wait to kill you, Lang." She says loud enough for him to hear.

The guards rolls his eyes handing over the control to her cuffs, Din wraps his hand around it careful not to set it off, "For if she gets out of hand," He says turning to leave, "Or if you get bored."

Kit begins to walk off in front as Din follows after her.

They walk in silence for a while, he watches as she walks her head high in the air and steps confident. Her cuffed hands hit against her thighs with ever step she takes.

Her blonde and auburn hair bounces on her shoulders, strands falling into her face making her blow them away every couple of minutes. He likes her hair this way, it suits her better than the longer hair that she constantly got annoyed at.

"You've changed your hair." He says finally breaking the silence that had become suffocating.

"You still wear the bucket." She observes not looking back at him.

He sighs watching as she struggles to get over a large fallen down tree with her cuffed hands, he goes to help but she ignores it and takes a step back before running and jumping over the log.

"Listen, Kit-"

She ignores his attempt to reach for her and he steps in front of her to stop her from walking away, "Would you listen?"

"Why? There's no point, I'll be dead by sundown."

"I'm not killing you." He scoffs.

She hums and moves around him, he quickly turns and follows after her, "Kit."

He tries calling out to her again but she ignores him, "Kit," He says a little more sternly, "Kathleen."

She stops suddenly and he almost runs into the back of her, turning on her heel she raises a brow, "What?"

"Will you listen to me?" She looks away from him clenching her jaw, "Please, just-"

"Why?" She asks, her head snapping towards him, "So you can tell me how miserable you've been without me? How lonely it's been now you have no one to talk to? Or maybe you enjoyed it? Maybe you loved not having the annoying Jedi around? Maybe you're going to enjoy killing me too."

"Kit, I'm not going to kill you."

"You already have." She mutters turning to continue their journey.

He sighs and follows after her again, his hand finds the control and he looks over it before clicking the largest button.

Kit stops as the cuffs fall to the floor with a loud clink, she lifts her hands gently rubbing them as she adjusts the bandages on her wrists.

"I have missed you." He says, it comes out soft and quiet making her almost falter, almost.

She simply nods as she walks forward, still rubbing her sore hands as she begs herself not to say the few words back.

Because she has missed him too.

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