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✦✦✦✦ The Dunes ✦✦✦✦

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✦✦✦✦ The Dunes ✦✦✦✦

Kicking open the door of the small hut hidden in the Dunes Kit sighs and unwraps the shawl from around her head. Tossing it onto the dust filled chairs as she wanders through the house.

The thirteen year old huffed and rested her hands on her hips glancing around the sandy dunes. Heaving a large sighs she continued on her journey, canister now empty.

She promised Han she'd be back... alive. Two weeks most, she had said to him, two weeks.

Five hours in and she was already thinking of turning around, but she needed to see him, she needed to know the truth.

Blaster strapped securely on her thigh she pushed open the door, her hand grazed the weapon she had won in a gambling game a few months ago, the one she needed answers about,. "Hello there?" She called out receiving an echo back to her.

Closing the large door behind her she pulled down her hood and looked around, "Hello?" She called out again.

Sensing a presence somewhere inside she continued on her journey only to get stopped by a large blue light near her throat.

Gulping she smiled and tilted her head back, "Obi-Wan?" She questioned the man, "Master Jedi?"

The man stepped out in front of her, his auburn hair greying and his head held high, "Who are you?"

"My names, Kit, well my name is actually Kathleen, but my friends call me Kit-"

The man's eyes widened, stepping closer to her and dropping his weapon he looked her up and down, his eyes going back up to meet her icy blue ones, ones that he was all too familiar with. "It's you."

"It's... me...?" She spoke slowly with furrowed brows.

The old Jedi smiled warmly as he spoke again, "It's you."

"Hello there?" Kit calls out smiling slightly when she gets an echo back.

Walking over to the window she looks out at the views around her, views that she spent hours over the years she and Han came here.

Han never met Obi-Wan, or Ben as he took a liking to calling himself, not until they met Luke and went on to save the Princess of Alderaan.

When Han was here on 'business' with Jabba- who he would never allow Kit to go near as the one time she did Jabba tried to take her as a slave- she could be found in the dunes, with Ben.

Picking up an old brown robe from the bed she shakes the sand from it and holds it close to her. "I miss you, old man." She whispers into the air smiling as she grabs an old leather bound book.

The book is filled with mysteries and adventures of his life, one she had found her fifth time visiting him, she always read it when she visited, no matter how many times they always made her smile.

Settling on the bed cross-legged she flicks through the book. Suddenly a small brown envelope falls from the book. Picking it up she breaks the seal and opens it, curiosity getting the better of her.

Looking up she sees the sun staring to set, placing the letter neatly inside the book and tucking the book into her pocket as she grabs the old robe she exits the old house walking towards the speeder

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Looking up she sees the sun staring to set, placing the letter neatly inside the book and tucking the book into her pocket as she grabs the old robe she exits the old house walking towards the speeder.

Kicking off she fixes the goggles on her head and then shoots off through the desert going back to the hanger.

Brows furrowed as she carefully creeps into the deserted hanger bay she notices a man standing off with Mando. "Cuff him," Toro orders Peli as he shoves her forward, "You're a Guild traitor, Mando."

Peli walks forward, and begins to cuff Mando's hands behind his back, "And I'm willing to bet that this here is the target you helped escape. We're just missing one thing," He says referring to Kit, "I wonder where the girl is?"

Kit rolls her eyes as she grabs her blaster, "Fennec was right. Bringing you in won't just make me a member of the Guild, it'll make me legendary. Now we play the waiting game, huh, heard the girls a looker, is that why you took her, Mando, to-"

A blaster shot hits him in the chest, knocking him back, "He talks too much." Kit complains holstering her blaster as she walks over to them.

"Thought you'd gone."

"You really have that little faith in me?" She questions with a raised brow as she crouches beside Toro's body.

"Where is it?" Peli asks looking around franticly.

"He's here." Kit calls over her shoulder as she lifts the Child from the floor with a smile.

"There you are. Are you hiding from us?" Peli walks over and Kit allows her to take the Child from her arms, "Look at you. It's alright. I know that was really loud for your big old ears, wasn't it."

Grabbing the coins form Toro's pocket she tosses the bag to Mando who catches it easily as he approaches Peli and the Child, "That cover me?" He asks pouring the coins out into his hand and handing them over to the woman.

"Yeah... yeah this is gonna cover you."

Kit nods to the woman as she climbs onto the Razor Crest, Mando with the Child following after her.

"What's that?" He asks gesturing to the robe.

"A robe." She says plainly.

He rolls his eyes placing the Child down on the passenger seat, "I see that, why'd you leave, just to get that?"

"It belonged to someone I knew," She says taking it out and looking down at it, "An old friend."

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