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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 7
The showcase

"Alright, the 5th group is up."JYP called out which sent me into a little panic.

Okay this is it, the first showcase.. It can't be that bad right? There's only going to be 4 showcases left and that's if I make it that far.

"You ready?" Felix asks as I pass him when I walk up the steps.

I could feel the anxiety rising up for no reason, well the only valid reason I guess is if I mess up. I shouldn't mess up. I can't.

But just for safety measures I rushed down the stairs and gave Felix a quick hug which the cameraman gladly didn't catch and then I ran back up the stairs.

I stood with my group in front of JYP, PSY, and Jaebeom, it was dead quiet for some reason which made me nervous again.

"Hello we are 3PM!" I say into the microphone with a huge smile.

"I'm Nina." Nina smiled brightly at the judges as Yuna continued to introduce herself and then I had to.

"We will be performing I'll be back." I spoke at made eye contact with JYP.

"Ah, one of my favorite 2PM songs. Tell me Alaska, since you joined and had to kind of lead these girls how hard was it?" JYP asked and studied your face.

"Oh, I actually wasn't the leader and I don't think we had one." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Can I speak for her JYP PD-NIM?" Nina asked.

JYP nodded at her which made me automatically shut up, man I really made a fool out of myself.

"Well starting off with practice I will say it wasn't easy, the song isn't easy and we had to either execute it really well or otherwise it would look too bad." Nina explained. "We didn't have a leader and I know Alaska doesn't see herself as one but she really is. She encouraged us to stay practicing for longer when other girls had already left for their dorms to sleep, although we were tired I think that she's always gave us that push. So in my opinion she was a good leader, she wasn't lazy about anything."

My eyes widened at Nina, did she really say that? Is that what she thought of me? I wasn't a leader though, I can't even take care of myself properly!

"Oh, really?" JYP raised and eyebrow at me. "Alaska, what is your point of view?"

"Um, I don't consider myself as a leader because I do have a lot of flaws. I'm not that well trained but I did try my best to motivate the girls and make sure to make them step out of their comfort zone but also not too much so that they're not too stressed." I replied with a small smile.

"And do you think your team will do well?" JYP asked and decided to stare deep into my soul.

Is this a trick question?

"I think that the girls practiced hard for this so I would expect them to keep up the same hard work for this performance, I trust them so I do believe we will not just be good but we're rooting for a lot more than just that." I answered and nodded at the man, then I looked over to the girls who looked back at me with reassuring eyes.

I know that we can do this performance right.

And that was it, then we started to perform. Performing I'll be back isn't easy, and I felt a different feeling when the song started. I still had trouble with my technique and I got even more nervous when I saw Felix poke his head out and watch from backstage. I had to do good, if I didn't then the girls would be disappointed.

"I'll be back!" Nina sang at the high note as I prepared my rap and then made my entrance.

The words just rolled down my tongue so effortlessly as I rapped in english and it did catch JYP by surprise, he seemed to pay attention closely to my rap and I'm guessing its to see if there's any weakness in it.

I started to get worried though, my moves should look good right? What if I sounded totally stupid in front of him? His eyes are really bold and he's staring me down like he's waiting for me to mess up.

After I rapped I began to dance to the choreography again and focus more on my performance since I didn't have to sing or rap anymore.

And at the end I let out small breaths, I couldn't fall down after one performance it's not professional. I waited till JYP started to talk, that's when we lined up next to each other again. And by the looks of if, I'm guessing that wasn't our best performance.

"You girls did well." JYP started which made Nina and Yuna smile slightly.

I was preparing for harsh words, no matter how good I thought we did I know there's always going to be something we lack. And I have to improve that quickly.

"However..." JYP proceeded to look down at his paper and then look back at us. "You girls weren't well enough, out of all the groups that have performed I think you girls performed better than a lot of them. Yet I sense that you girls weren't enjoying the stage too much, why is that?"

I looked at Nina who looked at Yuna, I'd rather have them explain first because I was waiting for the translator to translate what JYP said.

When I finally understood, I do agree. We didn't do our best, I think we thought we did our best but there's always more we could've done.

"Nina, your dance movements were too small." The translation came through. "And usually if you're the best singer out of the group then it's okay to not dance the best, but it was really noticeable that you didn't dance the best. If I had to choose I know Alaska did a better job."

Yikes, that really did sting.. I hope Nina didn't feel too bad, she can be sensitive sometimes and it was hard for her to build up confidence when JYP critiques her like that.

"Alaska, you did good but you were out of breath." JYP then goes onto me all of a sudden. "You are a good dancer, but you added way too much energy in the dance. You seemed too focused on the dance which makes me think your body didn't grasp the dance enough, it should be muscle memory. You didn't look enjoyable to watch, when you are rapping especially that fast you need room to get energy and air to rap. I could tell you were running out of breath."

I looked down and then back up at JYP, he was right. I should've done better, I should've focused on my breathing. Why did I pay so much time in dancing?

"Yuna, you didn't look confident at all. You seemed lost, you messed up a little towards the end of the song and it makes me wonder if you actually practiced. I know you all did and even stayed up later but if you did then why is there no improvement from when you were a trainee?" JYP fixed his eyes onto Yuna.

I paid close attention to the translations and felt my heart grow tighter, that wasn't a good observation. I know Yuna was a trainee in JYP for about 3 years now and she should be better but everyone has their own pace. I had a feeling we weren't going to pass.

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