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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 54

"I don't care about what you guys are, just leave me alone. We don't need to talk, we're not friends anymore. We're nothing." I stammered as I crossed my arms.

"Hey," Felix leaned closer and placed his thumb on my chin to make me look at him. "I never wanted things to end up this way."

And for once in a long time, I felt his words being sincere. It sparked something in my heart again.

No. I don't like him, not like that. He's horrible, he's just acquaintance. He's a burden to me.

"Let me take you back to your dorms." He shot me his puppy eyes.

"No." I brushed his hand off causing his face to lose it's hope. "I've asked you multiple times to leave me be, can't you see how upset I am? And you still stay determined to make me more pissed off than I already am? I'm fucking tired, you ruined my life."

I got up still having pain run through my legs, I managed to run to the elevator and close it before he could get on.

I took a huge deep breath as I made it out the lobby okay, at least I didn't fall this time.

His words mean nothing to me, he means nothing to me.

I can't believe he would try to get me to forgive him? Was he?

I'm so annoyed.

"Alaska? Oh lord, your knee is bleeding." My face brightens as I see the man I've been wanting to see.

"Channie!" I exclaimed but instantly fall back to the floor, and this time I saw the damage.

Both if my knees were bleeding, of course my knees had bruises but bruising never led to bleeding? What was going on?

"Are you okay?" Chan rushed to Me and picked me up in his arms.

"Chan! You don't have to pick me up, oh god this is embarrassing." I groaned.

"It's all fine, but what's up with your knees? And why did you never tell me you were back?" He questioned.

"Well I was practicing just now, I haven't been focusing on anything but practice." I chuckled. "And I was just about to text you but I figured you would be busy."

"Of course not! Well— I can be busy sometimes—"

"You're always busy, I've seen your vlives." I snorted.

"Whatever, but I was just about to pick up Felix and walk him home." He winced as he said the name of the boy I became sensitive about.

"Right. So you are busy." I said as I looked down at my feet as Chan let me down.

"I was hoping we could catch up," He smiled softly. "But if you still feel uncomfortable with him—"

"I can be in a room with him but I would much prefer it if I didn't speak to him." I explained. "Go pick him up, I'll be at my dorms. Maybe we can hang out another time."

Chan nodded as we say our goodbyes and walk off.

I don't want to take up more of his time, he has a busy schedule and I doubt we'll have time to meet up anymore.

• • •

Week 2

"Ow!" I yelped as Nina started to massage my legs. "It fucking hurts!"

"I know! You don't think I can tell by the veins popping out?" Nina groaned as the pain got worse.

The next morning I woke up with a bad cramp and I accidently screamed which woke up Nina.

It was 8 in the morning and I felt bad, this was our day off and I didn't want to cause any problems.

"Fuck! Nina why isn't it going down?" I felt tears threatening to leave my eye as I held my leg.

"I think you really overdid practice yesterday." She explained as she placed a blanket over my leg. "It'll go down with some heat."

As soon as she says that I felt the pain deescalate making me sigh in relief. I hated getting cramps on my legs, it started happening when I started to train here in Korea. I've never trained this hard before.

"What's happening— Woah! Are you like dying or something?" Rima walked in with a gasp.

I glared at her before laying my head back down.

"She got a bad cramp probably from all the late night practicing she got." Nina sighed. "Alaska, you really need to calm down on practice."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that." I replied as Rima sits next to Nina on the floor.

"You know, maybe if we kidnap Chan and bring him here to distract her, MAYBE she'll be forced to stay here and not practice." Rima winked at Nina who shot her a blank stare.

"I'm not cooking you anymore food." I turn to Rima who gasped dramatically.

"No, no, no, no! I was just pulling a prank!" Rima pouted. "It was a joke, please cook us breakfast this week."

"What happened to the allowance we got?" I questioned as I sat up.

"Umm..." Rima looked around and scratched her head. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? We should have enough for breakfast!" I groaned as I stand up and walk out the room.

Then I see the girls in the living room with food on the table.

"Did you guys spend all the money for this week?" I asked.

"I'm sorry! We were hungry and it's our day off!" Rima came out with Nina.

I sighed before turning to Rima and chuckle. "It's fine, I'll cook for the rest of the week."

"You're amazing!" Rima hugged me tightly before joining the girls to eat.

"You can never say no can you?" Nina stood next to me with a faint smile as we looked at the members laughing and playing around with the TV on.

"I know I should learn to be strict but how can I? I feel like after the survival show I feel this huge weight lifted off from my chest. I no longer have to be hard on my team." I explained my feelings to Nina.

I was glad I had Nina, she always listened to me and had always been there. I don't deserve her.

"Maybe you should be our leader then." Nina suggests with a huge smile as she turns to look at me.

The leader?

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