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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 36
Follow the rules

You know, it's unfair to be an idol and not be able to date any other idol without fans getting pressed. It's like our fans are our parents trying to scold us for dating. It's weird as well because most fans are younger than us.

"She was being too harsh on you, your mistake wasn't even that big." Felix sighed as he held my leg in the right position. "You're a little short so she wanted your foot to be on the ground but if you did that then you wouldn't look tall and match with the other members on this move." 

"It's always my damn genes." I frowned. "But it'll be okay like this right?" 

"Yeah of course, Lia what do you think?" Felix asked Lia who was watching us across the room.

Yep, we had to follow JYP's instructions.

"I think she's doing really good, Alaska you dance really well I don't know why you were scolded that bad." Lia frowned. "I really want to dance as passionately as you do."

"Ah," I chuckled. "What do you mean? You dance better than me! And you also have the experience." 

"I agree, don't be so hard on yourself Lia... But I'm glad you both got to talk with each other so now we can all become friends!" Felix smiled brightly.

"Friends? Without me?" Jisung barged into the room. "Yo man I can't believe you would betray me like this!" 

Jisung tried to act all good with his black shades and painted black nails but Felix immediately hugged him tightly which made Jisung whine. Felix will always be a cuddle bug I suppose, it was really cute and funny. 

After practice for me today I went out with Nina and Yuna because thankfully we were all free, I went to Pnation's building and the staff was so nice I swear it felt like family.

"Hi!" Nina and Yuna both said rushing to me and hugging me tightly as I hugged back.

"How are you guys? I missed you so much!" I squealed.

"Good, we're continuing our training here." Yuna smiled. "And guess what? I'm getting professional English lessons!" 

"Oh my god, I should start on my hangul lessons someday." I chuckled. "I'm sorry for being so busy these weeks, our debut is coming up." 

"Don't apologize! We understand and we'll be cheering you on when you debut." Nina said as we walked into the cafeteria of the building.

When we sat down and started eating we bonded like we used to on the survival show and it made me happy to still have that connection with them. 

"So Alaska, what's the tea with Felix." Yuna smirked. "Are y'all still a thing." 


"Yuna, can't you see that Felix is still her lockscreen on her phone." Nina deadpanned as she pointed to my phone. 

"Shit, I forgot that was even a thing." I take my phone and quickly change the wallpaper.

"Why are you changing it? Are you both not together anymore?" Nina frowned in confusion.

"Well, we aren't really dating and I already told you we were more of friends with benefits but since I'm debuting soon I have to keep us on the down low." I sighed. "It was a whole thing honestly and I don't even want to get into it." 

"I can see why it happened though, Mako was acting really strange when I saw her on the streets." Yuna nodded.

"Mako? Huh?" I questioned as I tilted my head, what did Mako have to do with all of this?

"You don't know about her? She's really weird, I don't know how you talk with her but she's been acting weird around you and Felix." Nina nodded her head.

"What do you mean?" I replied. "Is she doing bad things or?"

"We've seen you and Felix hang out in public that's no lie and it's okay we don't care much and we don't want to come up and bother you." Yuna started.

"But the weird thing is... Mako was following you guys.. Like I thought maybe its a coincidence or maybe she wanted to talk to you guys but she just followed you guys and I honestly don't know why. We would've followed but we had our practice schedule soon so we had to leave." Nina interjected. 

What the hell? That's creepy... What was she trying to do? 

"Do you guys think Mako is a little interested in Felix? Like in a romantic way." I asked.

"Yes, a hundred percent yes." Yuna immediately says. "Have you seen the way she looks at Felix? Like she's under some love spell when she looks at him and it's creepy."

"I get bad vibes from her but how are you with her in dorm? Is she weird in there as well?" Nina asked clearly concerned.

"I don't know.. I mean she was extremely rude when we first interacted and then tried to apologize to me and get along but I still don't really trust her." I replied with a frown. "Should I ask her about it?"

"Good, don't trust her." Nina said as Yuna nodded her head in agreement. "Don't confront her now because it can get nasty, who knows what lie she'll come up with."

I actually feel uncomfortable now, even more than when I entered the dorm. Is she stalking us? What does she want? 

"What if I get replaced and she gets Felix to be interested in her." I say looking at the table blankly.

"What? No! Alaska, I don't think Felix would go for her, I mean he already has so much fun and valuable memories with you." Nina reassured.

"You both really like each other and hold strong feelings, even if you two keep it on the low your connection is still there. I don't think it'll go anywhere and since you're both under the same company it's always easier to spend time together." Yuna added. 

"I don't know.. I want to call him." I go for my phone but Nina takes it out of my hand. 

"Alaska, don't worry about Mako trying to take Felix away, you have to trust him." Nina scolded. "Imagine if a boy got close to you or wanted to get with you, wouldn't you want Felix to trust you?" 

"Yeah.." I sighed as I put my head down. "I just hope nothing goes wrong." 

But something did go wrong, it all went terribly wrong..

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