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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 19
"They don't know about us"

"Come on, please come with me to the dorms." Felix begged as I walked down the street.

"Nope." I shook my head. "Now please go."

"I can't leave you alone, what if something bad happens to you?" Felix insisted.

I took a few minutes to really think about it, he wouldn't stop nagging if I kept saying no. But I have to stay away from him! It wouldn't hurt to be safer with him, Right?

"Ugh, fine." I sighed. "Thank you for walking with me but I'd prefer it if Chan walked me home though."

"Chan?" Felix scoffed as he stopped walking in front of an alley. "Why Chan?"

"Because I trust him a lot and he gives really good advice, he gives me warm vibes." I explained as I stood with him in the alley.

"But don't I also give really good advice, don't I make you feel warm?" Felix pouted. "I try so hard just to make you laugh and have a good time."

"Really?" I snorted. "Why?"

"Because I want you to stay with me for the long run, you mean a lot to me so I want to make sure you never feel like backing out and I want you to succeed." Felix replied and stared at me with care. "I care about you so much."

My eyes fell to his lips, they were perfect and beautiful.

Snap out of it! I can't think this way!

"Felix, I think you should find someone else to stick with you in the long run." I turn around with a frown.

"Why? Because you have a crush on Chan and you guys secretly have a thing?" Felix scoffed.

"What? No!" I turn back to him with a glare. "Why would you ever think that?"

"Because you two act like you're in love or something! You both seem like you're flirting just to spite me." Felix growled.

"Why would I ever— Chan and I are good friends!" I retorted.

"Prove it then!" Felix's eyes glared at me but not with hatred, I could tell he felt sad.

"I don't need to prove anything to you." I pushed Felix. "I don't owe anything to you, because we are just friends."

"Oh really? We're just friends?" Felix walks up to me and places a kiss onto my lips while his hands cup my cheeks. "How about now?"

And he placed another long kiss on my lips again.

I felt my heart beat fast again, my lips were trembling but I felt so safe knowing that Felix was holding me up with care. I let my eyes close at the same time he closed his and I let him lead our lips in sync.

I could feel himself pour everything into the kiss, I didn't know what to say or think. But I did know I didn't want this to end, I'm definitely hooked.

I pull away and our foreheads rest on each other, I opened my eyes to see him with lustful eyes.

Maybe it was the stress we both had or the the adrenaline rushing through our veins but that night was something I would always keep at the back of my mind.

• • •

"But what if they find out?" I say nervously as Felix locks the door to his bedroom.

"They'll knock on the door, they won't think we're doing this." Felix chuckled as he places me onto his bed and began to attack my lips.

The rush of adrenaline escaping every time we took breaths was amazing, I didn't have any worries in the world. His lips were perfectly placed onto mines and moving so smooth. We were both definitely into it, the fustrations left both of our systems and I felt like I was floating.

I love the way he holds me and makes sure to not hurt me in anyway, he reminded me that I did good today. He called me beautiful in between breaths as well, I was on cloud nine.

The butterflies in my stomach... It was crazy.

And when we finally stopped making out, he fell onto my chest and wrapped his arms around me as I played with his hair.

What the fuck just happened? This is wrong, I shouldn't be doing this and I could get him in trouble. I don't want him to get in trouble because of me. JYP hasn't even gone over the contracts because there isn't a debut line up yet but I'm scared.

"Alaska." Felix sits up. "We need to talk about this."

I nodded with a friend and sit up with him, I already felt extremely guilty for doing this.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you this pressed or even encourage this. It won't happen again." I said.

"Alaska— I've felt this way ever since we danced together and spent time together at the convenience store but I wasn't sure." Felix took my hand and placed it on his cheek. "I feel happier when I'm with you."

My heart began to sink, he had these feelings ever since that day?

"Felix, we can't do this though. What if I don't even make it to the line up? I don't want to— I can't do this." I confessed. "I'm sorry."

"Bubby—" Felix held me tighter and brought my body to his chest and rested his chin on my head. "I know you can do this, I'll always root for you. I don't ever want to let you go, it's been a long time since I've felt something for someone."

"You've had a crush on someone before?" I asked, I never really imagined him having feelings towards someone.

"Yeah, but I let him go and I regretted it for a long time. I don't want to do the same with you, I want to hold onto you for as long as I can." Felix says quietly.

"Him? You're bisexual?" I questioned and sat up so I could face him.

The poor boy had shed a few tears, I wish I could give him a hug.

"Yes, but the public can't know that. No one can until I leave the company, I'm sorry if this changes your view of me." Felix's lips turned down in shame.

"Lix." I smiled softly and hold his face softly that he could face me. "I'm bisexual as well, don't worry about it."

Felix's eyes widened into a bright smile and he hugs me tightly with a giggle. "Really? I knew it!"

"What? How did you—"

"You just sent me a vibe," Felix chuckles. "But this is perfect!"

Yeah it really was... But we can't be together, we were probably better off without knowing how we felt.

And that's my sin.

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