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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 20At what cost?

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 20
At what cost?

"I'm sorry!" I sat up quickly as Chan looked at me with stern eyes.

He caught us sleeping together, shit.

"Alaska, it's 2 in the morning and you're supposed to be at your dorms- What the hell is this?" Chan glares at us.

I quickly get out of the bed and stand as far as I could from Felix. "We just got sleepy, it isn't what it looks like."

"Just leave." Chan sighed as Felix began to wake up.

"Yes." I replied with a fearful look and quickly get out of their dorm.

It was very late and the walk home wasn't too far but I felt so lonely at this point. Felix and I shouldn't be together or seen together. But I felt so happy in his embrace...

• • •

"Alaska, do better." Chan aggressively stated as I finished singing while dancing with the girls.

I looked at him with a soft glare and then turned back to the mirror in front of us. He was being rude for no reason, he catches us being all cuddly which could mean we're close friends!
Or maybe he did see all the signs.. But Felix and I can't... Gosh, I didn't know what to do.

That day I went to talk with Nina at the roof about everything, Yuna tagged along as well.

"I can't believe- That's so unprofessional of him to kiss you like that." Nina gasped.

"I think it's hot." Yuna smirked as well stared at her hysterically. "What? Haven't you guys watched kdramas?"

"Yuna, she could get in trouble and also Felix could as well." Nina explained.

"I know that but I think Alaska should be able to be happy with him as well. Idols date in private as well, what's the harm in trying?" Yuna suggested.

"I'm terrified of dispatch." I confessed and shook my head, turning to the sky I realized how pretty it looked.

I wish my life was as pretty as the sky.

"Alaska, as your best friend I would tell you to date in secret but as a trainee I don't want you to get into trouble." Nina frowned.

"Yeah, I guess Nina's right." Yuna sighed. "You both look really cute together as well, it's a shame you both chose to become idols."

"Yuna!" Nina and I yelled and playfully slapped at her last comment.

We both laughed and made jokes during our break, I felt more cheered up but feel down I knew Chan won't let Felix by my side anymore.

And I was right.

"Felix, train Mako instead and I'll help Alaska." Chan said as I got to the dance room.

"What-" I got interrupted as Chan dragged me to the other area of the room.

"Focus on your vocal stability." Chan sighed.

I looked at Felix across the room who looked at me with a hurtful smile on his face, I guess that's it.

"It was nothing." I explained again as I stretched.

"I'm trying to get you to debut, not mess around with your chance." Chan hissed. "I don't want to see you two together."

"Fine." I turn to him with tears in my eyes. "I understand."

Chan's eyes softened as he looked at my eyes, a frown replacing his glare.

I began to practice a lot harder and eventually did really well in the end, I think I improved a lot.

"You're almost as good as Mako." Chan commented.

I scoffed loudly, "Really? And out of everyone here I thought you'd be the one who knew how I would feel to those kinds of comments."

I glare at Chan before taking my things and rushing out the door, I was beyond pissed. I didn't want to be compared to a fucking JYP trainee, I barely even started and I don't want to be known as being better than or worse than a trainee. And out of everyone in that room I would think Chan knows better.

The showcase was in a few hours so we were preparing for it, it was optional of course but I gave up at that point. I miss Nina and Yuna who didn't attend because they had to attend online school.

"Girls!" I squealed as I walked into the dorm.

"Wow, you're smelly." Nina sent you a disgusted look.

"I know but I'm going to take a shower and then we have to go to JYP for them to pick us up." I informed as I walked to my room to get my clothes.

I haven't spoke to Felix all day, I really miss him right now.

One of the things that pissed me off was at practice how Chan kept repeating "do better" like how am I? If you don't tell me what to improve then I'll stand here looking dumb. I understand I should know better and be able to correct myself but I'm no JYP trainee, I barely got into this over a month ago and I'm already this tired.

Maybe I should've said no.

• • •

"You ready girls?" PSY spoke into the microphone after we finished our performance.

"Yes." Nina replied as we bowed and wait for the other girls to show up.

"Like before, three girls will be eliminated this round." JYP stated.

I was fucking scared, I received compliments from JYP and PSY this performance and not much criticism but Nina and Yuna did... A lot... I thought they did better though, I thought they improved a lot.

This show is really fucking with my mentality.

"First place goes to Mako, second to Mayuka, third to Rio." JYP announced and the girls walked over to the other side labeled: Line Up.

"And now for the second set," PSY announced. "Miihi, Alaska, and Rima."

My eyes widened at my name being called, I'm in 5th place? I moved up by 2! This is good news! I'm so happy I improved and I hope Nina and Yuna get moved up as well.

"Now for the last set," Wooyoung announced. "Nina, Riku, Maya."

What? Nina.. No Yuna? Did I hear that right?

"The rest of the girls step forward." JYP announced.

I felt the tears coming out of my eyes as I saw Yuna step forward and look down.

"You will no longer be in this line up, you are now eliminated for not making it to the top 9." JYP said. "You girls have made it this far so I hope you're proud of yourselves."

I read the translations on the screen by JYP which made me mad, how could he just eliminate Yuna?

She was a trainee! She has so much potential!

I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest, Yuna was crying softly probably because she didn't want to make a scene. I looked over to Nina who had red eyes, she looked over to me with a sad frown.

It was a mess.

After the showcase I walked home silently with the girls, I felt empty and awful.

I got moved up but at what cost?

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