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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 80
"Although saying ''I love you'' might be a little obvious
I can't save those words
I care about you more than anything in the world
Your own tomorrow, your own tomorrow
Waiting for tomorrow just for you
All day, making a story that won't ever end
The ending is like the title"

"They're so cute I'm about to cry." I whimpered at Chan who was next to me by the door, I saw my kids each throw flower petals down the aisle with huge smiles.

They ended up solving their arguments just in time for the wedding.

"Is it hard? Being a parent?" Chan asked as he looked at me with a soft smile.

"Well, it definitely would've been more harder if Felix was more busy but he was always there every inch of the way. It can be hard at times but as long as you both put effort, it'll be worth it." I smiled as I looked back at my kids.

"I'm nervous, to be a dad.." Chan chuckled. "I know Sana will be the perfect mom but what if I'm not the perfect dad."

"Chan," I turned to him with a chuckle. "You will be the best dad, maybe not perfect but you always try your best. Your kids will grow up to be the most humble and cute people the world has ever seen, you will be a good dad."

Chan smiled and nodded at my reassurance, he let my arm wrap around his arm as the doors opened so I can finally walk down the aisle.

I didn't get anxiety as people watched me and I didn't feel nervous, this was what I've waited for my whole life and I didn't even realize it till now.

I knew I wanted to get married to Felix.

And as we exchanged vows I noticed Felix's eyes getting teary which made my eyes teary as well, it was good to know we were both in love with each other.

And I loved the moment we were pronounced husband and wife, and when he kissed me with so much love and care. I didn't settle for less, I settled for the right person.

It took us so many years to finally get to this point, we went through so much to be happy and in the end it was all worth it.

I could recall every memory in that kiss we shared.

• • •

"Then we debut you in a non-k-pop group, it won't have k-pop at all and you can perform as an American singer," Felix explained with a reassuring smile. "Do you know who I am?"

"Felix," I chuckled. "You're from Stray Kids."

"Oh wow, I didn't think you would know." He laughed. "Well if you make it as a trainee, we can offer you the opportunity to become a backup dancer for us just until you debut."

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