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A/N: Feel free to listen to the song throughout the beginning of this chapter to catch the mood!

A/N: Feel free to listen to the song throughout the beginning of this chapter to catch the mood!

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 5

"Annyeong!" I waved at the camera and cringed at my words. "Okay I don't fully know korean but I'm trying."

I laughed at the camera in my hand as I walked around the dance room, it was now 2 in the morning and I decided to get the camera for the show and just talk to it.

"It's currently 2 in the morning and I still can't get this dance a hundred percent accurate but I still have maybe around 20 minutes left in here. Nina and Yuna went back to the dorms so I hope they're asleep by now, 2PM's song is incredible but hard to get right." I told the camera as I set it down on the floor and sit down. "Nina, Yuna and I are covering I'll be back by 2PM so I really hope we can be impressive."

I heard a knock on the door so I quickly shut down the camera and opened the door to reveal Felix, what a surprise!

"Alaska, you're still here? Are the girls here?" Felix asked in a concerned tone.

"No they left to the dorms because I told them to, it's fine." I smiled as he came in and closed the door.

"Is the camera rolling?" He asked.

"No I just shut it off before opening the door." I replied and sat on the floor in exhaustion.

"Alaska, please go home and get rest." Felix begged. "You're all tired, you need a nice warm bath and sleep."

"I will after I get this part of the dance." I rose my eyebrow at Felix like he was crazy. "I need to be able to teach it to Nina tomorrow."

"That's why you have me and Jisung! To teach you all but I can teach you all, tomorrow!" Felix chuckled.

"One last round, please!" I begged.

"Fine." Felix sighed. "But let me help you."

I smiled brightly at him as I turned on the music again for the last time, his hands brushed along my arms as he copied the dance moves to the song.

"Put your arms in this position, I know it feels weird but it's the right way." Felix explained as he held onto my arms with his tiny hands.

He was so focused and I admired him a lot for taking the time to teach me this, he placed his arms on my waist and moved it slightly to the right.

"He's not shuffling straight so just move slightly to the right as you do this move." Felix explained.

A few seconds later I turned around on a move and crashed into Felix who held me close to prevent me from falling, his face got so close to mines before he stood me up properly.

"Be more careful, watch your step when you spin." Felix advised as he winked.

"Felix!" You playfully slapped his arm. "Don't wink at me."

"I learned from Minho-hyung." Felix retorted. "He would've accepted my wink!"

"Never mind." I sighed as I began to dance again, this time for some reason Felix had his arms outlining my body a little bit almost as if he was making sure I didn't fall.

And at the end my back crashed against Felix's chest, his arms wrapped around my stomach as we both panted harshly, "You did really well." He spoke into my ears.

"Thank you." I pulled away and stand in front of him. "You dance way better than me though."

"You'll get to my level soon enough." Felix smirked. "Now go rest."

I nodded as I took my belongings and walked out with Felix trailing behind.

• • •

"So you'll have to come back to the JYP building at around 8 to start practicing again, get some sleep because you'll be practicing all day." Felix says as he goes down the stairs with me.

"Actually, I was wondering if JYP would let me into the studios? I know I'm sort of a trainee now but I want to learn more about music the producing." I asked him as we made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"You want to make music?" Felix looks at me with a surprised look. "Wow, I mean I can definitely see you becoming like Chan-hyung."

"I've rewritten songs before so I just want to give it a try.." I looked down awkwardly.

I didn't want to make it seem like I knew what I was doing or that I had more knowledge in music because I seriously didn't.

"I'll make sure to get Chan to check up on you don't worry." Felix chuckled as he placed a mask on his face and motioned for me to do the same.

• • •

We were walking back to dorms but the dorm he's at actually isn't too far from my dorm so he decided to walk me just in case.

"I've rewritten Chan's new song actually, could I send the lyrics to you?" I asked as we both walked down the street.

"Of course! I bet you rewrote it so well." Felix easied his eyebrows at me. "I'll show it to Chan!"

"Wait no! I don't want to embarrass myself, I don't think I made the lyrics that well." My eyes widened as Felix laughed.

"Alaska, your talent really shows. I think you are definitely a different type of breed, I know you'll get more skills from this survival show." Felix stopped with me when we finally make it to my dorm. "Listen, try to learn as much as you can with this training camp. Ask me any questions as well, this is a learning experience and I can tell you won't put it to waste."

I nodded at his words and finally opened the door to the dorms before saying my goodbyes to Felix, he was such a great friend. I definitely can rely on him whenever I'm at my lowest.

Or so I thought...

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