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Tw: mention of body image & skipping meals

Tw: mention of body image & skipping meals

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 75
"You could break my heart
in two

but when it heals
it beats for you"

"Excuse me, I need to get back to my table." I bowed as I tried to leave but he stood in front of me again to stop me.

"I know you were upset with how we left things." He said.

"Um, listen." I sighed. "It's not like I don't respect you but I did lose a lot of respect for you after everything. And I know you don't have much power in what the CEO wants to do with me and you just follow orders but I didn't want that life anymore."

"Well you did take my advice, look at how thin you are. I told you to watch what you eat." JYP threw me a backhanded compliment which pissed me off.

I don't know how to go about this because I didn't want to disrespect an elder who was in the industry for longer than me.

"My figure? I've always been thin, I didn't have to watch what I eat because PSY let us eat whatever we want all we had to do is burn off the calories before a comeback." I explained which made him take a step back.

"No diet was needed?" JYP snickered. "But you debuting was from the help of training at JYP entertainment."

"I will admit that a lot of the experience to debut was from JYP and the survival show, but it was PSY who saw the true potential in me and gave me that chance to debut. The audition saved me." I talked back with a frown as I crossed my arms. "I decided to recognize my worth and how talented I've gotten, I did what was best and debuted under Pnation. Do I regret leaving JYP? No. Would I do it all over again if I had to? Yes. I would take this opportunity and go through all of it all over again if it meant I would finally feel happy and surrounded with people that love me."

"Wow," JYP raised his eyebrows in amusement. "It seems like you still don't take this industry too seriously."

"Don't take it seriously?" I scoffed. "I do take it seriously, I will always be judged by the public, I still work hard and make music, I'll still perform on my worst days, I have to deal with stalkers and being crowded with fans at the airport. I kept my image up after the scandal with Felix."

JYP seemed to gave panicked at the mention of Felix since someone could walk in any moment to hear our conversation.

"It isn't a crime to fall in love with someone." I looked him dead in the eyes. "We both made each other happy and we were careful, Mako was the one who released the photos by the way."

JYP's eyes widened at my comment which made me chuckle, he didn't know it either.

"Confront her if you don't believe it, but I'm done with the secrets. I'm done with covering up how I was mistreated and thrown out. I lost the boy I had fallen in love with since I was a teen to a girl whom you set him up with." I spat. "I don't hate you, I don't mean to disrespect you but that's how I feel about you and always will feel. I looked up to you but now I look up to Chan."

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