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Author's note: Just letting y'all know there was already a lot of time skips but JEEZ THEY'RE BE MORE, be prepared 💀

Author's note: Just letting y'all know there was already a lot of time skips but JEEZ THEY'RE BE MORE, be prepared 💀

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 79
Take my hands now
You are the cause
Of my Euphoria

• • • 8 months later • • •

"I'm happy that we got a good Christmas together." I announced as I look around the dorm to see Twice, my members, Stray Kids, Psy, Jessi, Hyuna, Dawn, and Itzy.

"This is seriously our first Christmas all together, like a whole big family." Hyuna gasped as she looked around. "I would've never thought I'd spend my Christmas in America."

"Did you think of any names yet?" Psy looked at me with a smile.

"Felix and I came up with Chris first for the boy, I think we both agree that Chan has really brought us back together and has always guided us.... As for the girl.." I trailed off before looking at my members. "Felix let me choose the girl names, I chose Nia and Yoon. Nia stands for Nina because Nina was the first friend I made back then who truly cared for me, and Yoon stands for Yuna because Yuna also cared for me back then."

Nina and Yuna's eyes glossed up before coming towards and and hugged me letting their sobs out.

"Nia is so- so cute like I really can't- Can I be her godmother?" Nina cried.

"Shut it, I'll be here godmother I'm so much cooler." Yuna cried as she teasingly slapped Nina's arm.

"You both can be her godmother." I sighed as I rolled my eyes at them.

They were still competing against each other even if we're adults.

"I don't think the boy should be named after me, seriously like there's cooler names." Chan interjected as he shook his hand.

"Shut up before I tell Sana to go on birth control." I sneered at him who looked distraught at the threat.

"She's pregnant though." Chan pouted.

"Doesn't mean she can't go on birth control after she gives birth." I scoffed before smiling at Sana who just laughed.

"Well, it's 1 am and its Christmas so." Felix checked the time on his phone. "Time to put on some Christmas movies and open some presents!"

"Yes!" I chirped and clapped my hands, that was until I felt my stomach hurt and I realized my water had broke.

"Fuck!" I yelped as I held my stomach to try to sit up but couldn't even hold myself up.

"Yo! What's going on!" Felix looked at me worryingly as he tried to help me up.

"It's coming." I managed to blurt out in pain. "Fuck! I can't do this!"

"Shit, we gotta get her to a hospital fast." Chan got up immediately and helped Felix and Changbin outside as the other guests looked at me with shocked faces.

"Someone turn on the damn car before I bust the car door open myself!" I screeched as well got outside, I felt like my woman parts were going to explode I never felt this type of pain before.

"Babe, we'll be there in 10 minutes do you think you can-"

"Shut up and drive!" I groaned as I interrupted Felix who sat with me in the backseat.

"Shhh, I know it hurts a lot and I will never go through that pain but we will get there." Felix kissed my forehead as he tried his best to comfort me which didn't go unnoticed by me.

He was an angel.

• • •

"How about we stick to just the triplets?" Felix chuckled with furrowed eyebrows as he held Chris in his arms.

"After all that pushing, that's probably the best option for now." I snorted as I carried Nia and Yoon in my arms.

"I can't believe you were in labor for 20 hours." Felix looked at me hysterically.

It was indeed now 9PM on Christmas day and yes the members were standing outside my hospital room, only certain people were allowed inside of course but Nina and Yuna gushed at the sight of my babies.

Even Chan had a little breakdown and cried at the sight, that was definitely not seen coming.

Psy congratulated me and went to talk to the staff to announce the birth of my child, soon I would be able to start group activities with my members.

I was so happy.

And yes, giving birth hurt like a bitch and I 100% don't recommend, it feels like it's tearing you inside and don't even get me started on those damn stitches... I was mortified.

But seeing how beautiful our children turned out, how happy Felix was to be a dad.. I could cry from how happy I was.

Maybe our little Chris will have a chance to debut in Nct someday... Kidding! Right..

• • • 5 years later • • •

"Mommy! I can't get this stupid tie to work!" Chris groaned as he walked towards me which made me frown.

Felix keeps letting those curse words slip... He's literally infecting the kids with cussing.

I need to punish him for it..

Anyways, I know it may sound weird for people but back then when I was pregnant Felix and I were only able to get married with signatures and the marriage license right at the building. We never had the time or money to actually hold a ceremony, that is until now.

Felix and I are getting married with a whole ceremony and I was so excited, it was the day and I almost died from cuteness when I saw our daughters in flower girl dresses.

"Chris, what did I say about cussing?" I told him before helping him with the tie.

"But mommy! Dad let's us cuss all the time." Chris groans. "He even cusses when he plays video games with me, he said its allowed when we play games!"

"I'm going to scold him after this, tell him mommy doesn't like it and mommy feels upset when he allows it." I smiled at him after I stand back up and dust off my dress.

"You look very pretty mommy, like a singer!" Chris claps his hands with a cute giggle.

His freckles popped out in the sun which made him so adorable, all the triplets had freckles which made me want to cry on the inside. I'm literally so glad they had his freckles and smile.

They did get my eyes and nose nonetheless, Chris seems to side more with Felix's personality though.

"Mom! Yoon won't stop following me around." Nia groaned as she looked back at Yoon who giggled at her.

"Maybe she just wants you to talk to her, you know how lonely Yoon gets." I shook my head at the girls.

Yoon was very talkative while Nia was more of the shy and quiet one so she didn't like to talk to many people.

"Chris, take Yoon." Nia groaned as she pushed past the two clearly over it.

I wish they would all get along but then again they're triplets who shared the same age and same room.

I loved them so much.

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