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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 11
Loss of communication

Once my friends sat at our table, I dug in, I usually wait to eat until my friends come and sit down but sometimes I don't. Let's say I'm being generous! Wow, Nina and Yuna are my friends now.. I remember I didn't want to do anything with them, its only been a couple of weeks!

"Why does Felix keep looking at you, he looks like he's judging you." Nina snorted and dug into her food.

"Huh?" Yuna and I looked at each other in confusion and then looked back to see Felix across the room staring in our direction.

"Jeez!" I looked back at Nina and continued eating. "He's probably spacing out."

Yuna whispered something to Nina in Japanese and then looked at me with a smirk.

"Oh my.." Nina gasped and her eyes widened while munching on her food.

"What?" I questioned their reactions.

"Yuna's thoughts are very interesting." Nina turned to me with a smirk.

"What did she say?" I asked with impatience.

"She said.. Stuff." Nina winked.

"Keeping stuff from me I see." I raised my eyebrows at her lying. "Well let's see where lying gets you."

"It'll surely get me somewhere." Nina smirked.

"Fine." I sighed and kept on eating.

When lunch was done I headed back to the practice room and saw Chan waiting there.

"Alaska! It's going to drop!" Chan giggled and motioned for me to come sit next to him on the couch.

"Really? I'm nervous!" I squealed and clapped my hands.

"There's only 5 seconds left!" Chan smiled brightly as he refreshed the page and suddenly the video popped up.

I opened up the video on my phone and look at the moments, there were so many positive comments it made me feel relieved.

Some asked "who is Polaris?" Which made me chuckle, I still haven't debuted that's why no one knows it's me.

"Your voice really suits this song, I'm proud of you Alaska." Chan smiles and brings me into a side hug. "I'm so happy you were able to be apart of this song."

"Chan, I'm really not that great but I will always try to do my best. Thank you for letting me be on this song." I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hey A-" The door opened quickly and in walked Felix who stopped in his tracks and took a look at both of you.

"Felix!" I jumped up. "What are you doing here? We just released the song!"

Felix looked at me with cold eyes and looked at Chan, his face softened a bit and nodded his head. "Just wanted to look for the girls, I've been meaning to talk to Mako in private."

My heart dropped a bit, talk in private wouldn't mean anything suggestive right? Wait, why was I worried?

"Oh." I replied with a small smile. "She's not in here."

"Thank you, have a good time with each other." Felix shoots us a small smile before turning cold again and leaving.

"What's up with him?" Chan questioned as I stood there dumbfounded.

"He's probably tired." I answered and sat back down with Chan.

• • •

That night I didn't go to the convenience store, I was in the practice room again alone. Practicing my dance has been becoming more addicting, I mean my family doesn't even text me that much anymore and my friends back at my home city don't even text me. They only text me when they want to see an idol or interact with one.

"What are you doing still practicing here?" Felix asked as he opened the practice room door and closed it behind him.

"Ugh, why are you here?" I sighed as I started to pack my things.

"Um, rude much? What have I done?" Felix scoffed.

"Nothing- Listen, I'm going to the dorms now so just do the same." I shook my head avoiding his eyes and open the door.

"No." Felix closed the door and suddenly pinned me against the door.

"Felix-" My eyes widened at the quick movement.

"Do you like Chan?" Felix asked and stared into my eyes.

"Huh?" I frowned and then started to laugh. "Chan? Chan is like my bigger brother! You crack me up!"

Felix's eyes softened as I pushed him off. "Felix, you're really funny I knew you liked to tease people but this is just-"

Felix immediately pulled me into a tight hug which caught me off guard.

"Felix?" I hugged back and felt him stifle out a cry, now I felt bad for giving him attitude.

"I'm s-sorry." Felix cried. "I don't want to show you this side of me because I'm supposed to set an example for you ."

"Felix, it's fine but why are you crying?" I asked and I pulled away from the hug, I cupped his cheeks and finally look into his puppy eyes.

"I'm so tired, I feel like I can't escape. I love performing so much but my body is so weak. And our fans- I don't want to show them a bad performance." Felix explained and then hugged me tight again. "I'm just starting to get irritated by the littlest things."

"Lix, oh boy." I say as I bring him to the couch. "Why didn't you go to Chan? He can arrange a break for you."

"I don't want to seem weak, I have to be better and I have to be able to take on more." Felix cried. "But I can't, I really can't."

"Okay, then how about I come over to your dorm and help you relax." I suggested as I ran my hands through his hair to comfort the poor boy.

His head landed in my chest as he held me close, I have never seen him this vulnerable and it hurts me.

"You are worth it Felix, it's okay to be weak sometimes and you've taught me that there is so much more than just talent in someone." I tell him. "You need a break, many idols take breaks. Just because you take a break doesn't mean it makes you any less of an idol, you need a break in order to show your best to your fans."

Felix sat up and looked at me with red eyes, I see him finally break out into a small smile which made me more relieved. Felix is such a bright person and I would hate for him to think this way.

"Let's go to my dorm." Felix nodded as he wipes his tears with his sweater paws and got up from the couch.

"Okay!" I stood up and followed him outside the company building.

I'm glad I was able to cheer him up.

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