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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 37

"You've written 3 tracks now, they're all improved by me though and I have it all on this USB." Chan said as he hands me the black USB.

"Thank you, I bet it'll sound way better now that you've modified it." I smiled as I take the USB.

"It wasn't bad when I listened to them, there was just a few minor details that needed to be fixed." Chan chuckled.

"Someday I'll be as good as you." I smirked.

"Ah," Chan smiles and his ears grew red. "I'm not that good, there's still a lot that I'm lacking."

"Nah, Chan-hyung you're a genius." Felix walked in the dance room with a smile. "I can't even make music as good as you." 

"Well-" Chan started but Sana interrupts. 

"You are a genius." Sana confirms which makes Chan's ears grow even more red. 

"Guys! Stop it!" Chan starts giggling as he leaves the room in a flustered state.

We all start laughing as soon as he leaves, Chan has never changed. He's still as humble as he was when he first debuted. 

"So, how has practice been so far? Have you signed the contract yet?" Felix asked.

"I have to sign it tomorrow actually." I chuckled nervously. 

"Oh, how fun." Sana said. "It can be nerve wracking since you'll be an idol for 7 years."

"Yup, I can't believe I made it." I sighed. "I'm actually really scared." 

"Just don't screw it up, you almost did a few weeks ago." Sana looked at me with a stern look. "I'll be here if you need any help." 

"Thank you." I smiled and exited the room leaving Felix and Sana. 

I was now going to confront Mako. 

I knew it was best not to do it but I couldn't help but feel a bit unsafe with her around now, I just need to know what was she up to. 

"Mako," I pull her out of the cafeteria. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Mako scoffs as she rips her arm off my grip. "What do you want? Make it quick, I want to eat lunch." 

"You need to be a hundred percent honest with me right now." I growl. "Okay?"

"Whatever you say." Mako said not amused.

"Why are you following me and Felix around when we go out?" I asked with stern look.

Mako blinked and took a step back, trying to find her words taken aback from the question I asked. 

"What do you mean?" Mako questioned acting clueless. 

"You were following Felix and I around the streets, you didn't come up to talk to us or anything. You're being weird, what's that all about? Tell me." I stated not moving. 

"How did you- How- Did you see me following you around?" Mako scoffed trying to cover up the truth. 

"A few birdies told me they saw you, now answer the question. Why are you being weird right now." I said as I crossed my arms. 

"No reason.. I just needed to talk to Felix but you always take him away." Mako frowned.

"He's my best friend of course we'll be together the times we can be together to hang out." I explain. "He's never mentioned you to me before and I let you have him when you needed to practice for the survival show. What's the excuse now?"

"He's my friend too!" Mako argued. "I want to get closer to him because I trust him but I can't do that when you're latched onto him." 

"You have to be the one to talk to him then, that's not my fault we hang out. You do your part and try to get him to hang out with you. Why are we arguing over a person? Over a boy?" I scoffed. "This is so stupid."

"You're the stupid one if you think I'm going to let you both stay close, focus on the debut instead of distracting yourself with him." Mako spat before going into the cafeteria and leaving me alone in the hallway. 

"That stupid.." I trail off as I look at the floor.

"Who's stupid?" A voice makes me snap my head back up to see my favorite freckled boy.

"No one." I chuckled as I hug him and smother my face into his chest, I really needed a hug.

"Woah," Felix quickly pushed me off gently. 

"Huh?" My heart tore apart at his actions.

 "We can't do that anymore in public." Felix whispers which makes frown.

"Oh... Right." I reply and turn away as I ignore his next words, I wanted to go back to dorms. 

It didn't feel the same anymore.

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