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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 58Do you want to go and see butterflies?

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 58
Do you want to go and see butterflies?

As the trainees were instructed to walk offstage to let us have the center, Psy began to speak.
"Ah, what can I say more that will compliment the girls?" Psy chuckled. "Well, I will say that I'm proud of them. I saw the talent of them when they joined the company, Alaska was one of the girls I've been patiently waiting for. They all went through tough times to debut and some went through survival shows."

I started to tear up at the words "survival show", it really wasn't easy to get here. All of the emotions I felt began to overwhelm me.

Nina turned to me and saw my tears so she quickly helped wipe them with a empathetic smile.

"I'm so glad that Alaska could make this group whole, they're all like family from what I've seen in the hallways and practice rooms. I gave these girls a second chance to debut and I'm not disappointed at the results." Psy nodded. "I would always see Alaska actually stay up so late in the practice rooms, always trying to improve with all the time she's been given. Thats where I came up with the name Dare Devilz because you girls dared to take another chance at debuting instead of giving up."

I started balling at his words, I knew he meant every word and I just didn't know how nice and genuine Psy was. He was like a true friend, he was strict and hard on us sometimes but it's because he cares. He never told me to change myself on my appearance or eat certain foods, he was so chill and I think anyone would love him as a CEO.

"Alaska," Psy chuckled as he stood next to me. "Don't cry."

"I really," I spoke and quickly turned away from the cameras, I felt so embarrassed like my voice was breaking.

Nina patted me on the back before speaking into the microphone. "She's a really emotional leader."

I chuckled as everyone else laughed at Nina's words. It's true though, I was really emotional.

"She doesn't like to show all her problems, she keeps it from us sometimes and I know she used to have someone who she depended on and told them everything." Nina spoke. "But she can't confide in a lot of people anymore, she's such a good person I promise you. She's amazing."

"Ya, stop it." I turn back with a chuckle. "I don't want to look dramatic but I've waited 19 years for this. I thought I was never going to debut and I thought my chances were over because of the media but I want to thank Psy for giving me another chance at my dream."

I looked at Psy with a smile. "I promise I'll do my best to not let you down or any future fans down."

Psy clapped his hands before the audience started to clap their hands as well.

And before I knew it, it was all over.

• • •

"Aye! Get it!"  Aaliyah hyped Yeimy up as Yeimy started dancing to Twice at the dorms.

Yes, we have new dorms! It was so nice and pretty, it did take a while to move our things but it definitely was worth it.

I also privately my instagram account due to company reasons, I can't really have a personal one for the time being until my group debuts.

"Guys, we should be practicing." I groaned. "We may have won but we should still keep in shape."

"Alaska, for the—" Rima starts and sits me back on the couch. "You not practicing for the rest of the day will not get you out of shape, the showcase was literally 2 hours ago."

"Yeah but—"

"You're a workaholic, you need rest." Nina joins in as she sits next to me. "Stay."

"Fine." I slumped down into the couch.

It's not that I felt forced to work but I've gotten used to practicing all the time that if I don't do it I feel like I'm being lazy.

"Here's the food!" Yuna brought in a whole order of mexican food.

We managed to find a mexican place here that sells mexican food which really made me happy because I was craving that rice and tacos.

"No, you use both of the tortillas." I helped Momoka with the taco on her plate. "There, its ready to eat."

Momoka took a bite and her eyes widened at the flavor, I know it tastes good. I smirked at her before digging into my taco.

Korean food was great and all but I do miss the dishes I used to eat in America, one of the hardest thing I had to adjust to was the food here because I haven't got used to it.

"This is good, can we have this every week?" Rima questioned.

"We barely got a raise in our allowance." I snorted.

"Yeah but our missions start next week and you know what that means." Rima wiggled her eyebrows.

"Free money!" Yuna clapped her hands.

"Oh god." I groaned as the girls all started to chat and threaten each other on who will win the money.

Be the leader they said, it'll be fun they said.

• • •

"Ahh." I groaned as I stretched my neck from left to right and stretch my arms out.

It was 11 at night and I was in the studio at the Pnation building, I wanted to write new lyrics and make new songs.

"Feeling a bit tired?" My heart skipped a beat as the door opened our of nowhere.

My studio room where I produced music was meant for only me to really be in, I allowed people to come in front time to time but if I'm not in the room then no one else can come in.

It was Psy's idea to give me a room all to myself. Wow. I felt old.

"Chan, what the hell." I groaned. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry!" He giggled. "But I just came by to say congratulations."

"Congratulations? For what— Oh— Thank you!" I chuckled as I gave him another computer chair to sit next to me.

"You really forgot about you making the debut line up?" Chan snorted as he sat down.

"Sorry, I've just been so busy trying to get this lyric right." I sighed as I shook my head.

"Let me help you." Chan smiled as his hands brushed against mines and held my lyric notebook.

Suddenly butterflies erupted in my stomach.


What the hell was that?

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