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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 53

"Why aren't you at JYP?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Actually— How did you even get in?"

"Get in? I'm an idol! Psy requested me. And what are you doing here? Why aren't you training at JYP?" Felix asked with a stern look on his face.

I could tell this conversation was going to end badly.

"I quit JYP before I left to America, I'm a trainee here now." I replied, I wish I could talk shit to him but I'm at the company building and I really don't want the staff to badmouth me.

I had to learn to be humble and kind if I wanted to debut, but how could I do that when I have to de with this idiot?

"You— What? You quit?" Felix breathed out as his facial expression softened. "Why would you quit? It's your dream."

"I didn't quit on my dream, but I knew I wouldn't debut in JYP until I'm in my 20s so I came here to debut faster." I scoffed.

"So that's why he was sad.." Felix trailed off. "You had him panicking, he was searching for you but Chan wouldn't speak. I had to ask Chan."

"And now why would you ask Chan about me?" I crossed my arms. "Trying to make a fool out of me?"

"I was.. Just curious." Felix frowned. "Not just that but JYP was looking for you and trying to get in contact with you."

"I'm glad I never gave him my number." I scoffed. "I'm happy I got out of that hellhole."

"I can't believe you're trying to paint him out as the bad guy." Felix glared. "After all he's done for you."

"Done for me? What has he exactly done?" I spat as I shook my head and walked into the elevator, not wanting to take part in this conversation anymore.

"Come back here!" Felix ran after me and shut the door before I could try to get out. "JYP has helped you a lot since you first came to Korea, don't forget where you came from."

"I switched agencies for a reason you idiot." I hissed. "I don't give a damn about the man, he— he isn't a great teacher."

"He's humble, him taking you out of the new girl group was necessary." He explained.

"You never saw how he treated me when I was alone with him, how would you know?" I felt my eyes sting. "You know what— I was so happy when I left because I didn't have to be lied to anymore. I shouldn't have been kicked out but he did anyway because it's such a crime for two people to kiss and be together in secret."

Felix turned away as I said my last few sentences, I was right. Felix was so guilty and it's written all over his face.

"I just wished that you'd debut in the same company as me." Felix let out a sigh. "But it's my fault."

Huh? Did I hear that right? Did he just— Take responsibility? For his actions?

"What?" I questioned as I turned to him.

"Alaska! Felix! Oh— This wouldn't look too good if people say you together.." The doors opened and revealed Psy.

"Psy!" My eyes widened as I quickly stepped out. "I was just helping Felix find his way to your office."

"Sure you were." He winked as he turned to Felix who also stepped out. "I have a project for you Felix, it'll help with the popularity for the new group I'm debuting so I hope you're ready."

"Of course! JYP already talked with you right?" Felix asked.

"He sure did, I'm surprised he let one his idols collaborate with me but I'm not complaining." Psy chuckled as he led Felix to his office, leaving me in the hallway.

I stared at the floor for a few seconds, Felix seemed a little different now.. But what is it thats different?

I should meet up with Chan! I miss him so much. It was easy to meet up with him since we always passed each other in the hallways but I can't go to JYP anymore. Its embarrassing.

And why would JYP even be searching for me? I think I'll always have this internal beef with him for letting me go this easy.

The question still remains, did I take the right decision on leaving JYPE?

"Alaska!" Nina skipped down the hall with a bright smile. "Why are you just standing there? We have practice!"

I nodded as I followed her into the elevator to get on the right floor.

The rest of the day was spent on practice, I think our group did pretty well honestly.

My body was so tired, I felt like I could collapse on the floor and I did.

Once again, I stayed late to practice. The other girls were already at the dorm but I enjoyed practicing. Don't get wrong it's so tiring and painful to keep repeating the steps but I love the adrenaline with each leap I take.

I really hope I was born to be a performer because I could see myself doing this for the rest of my life, just imagining the people who support me cheering my group on. A beautiful moment.

"Woah— Watch your step." A hand held my waist as I almost fell to the ground.

Darn my body, how could I almost fall due to exhaustion?

"Sorry," I look up and immediately frown to my sight. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

"Decided to see how you girls practice." Felix replied as he held me up and placed my arm around his neck for support.

"Practice?" I remove my arm and instead sat on the bench by the wall. "But the girls went home 3 hours ago?"

"And I stayed to see how much you improved on your own." He continued. "You did... Really good."

"Thanks, I guess." I replied quietly as I played with my fingers. "I have to go."

I stood up only to be back on the floor again, what the hell was wrong with me?

This is so frustrating, why were my legs weak? Maybe I pulled a muscle? It was painful to stand up.

"Here let me—"

"Don't touch me." I swat his hands away as I pulled myself onto the bench. "You can go home, it's late and I'm sure Nancy is worried about you."

"Alaska." Felix squats down to the floor and looks me straight in the eye. "Nancy and I aren't like that."

And he still continues to lie.

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