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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 16
Trouble in paradise

Why was I so annoyed at Mako? She's done nothing but become closer to Felix, was I possibly becoming.... Nah, I couldn't be! That's impossible! Felix is my best friend... Or was?


Huh? Shit, they probably found me already.

However when I turned to the voice it was Felix, he was alone?

"Felix? Where are you?" A voice shouted from the entrance of the rooftop.

My face dropped at the voice, why was Mako here?

"Oh." Felix turned around and saw Mako with a bright smile.

"Felix! Alaska! What are you guys doing here? Aren't we supposed to be practicing?" Mako kept her attention on Felix.

"I was just leaving." I say in annoyance as I walk past them and walk out the door.

They can hang out or whatever they want to do, I don't own Felix he can have as many friends as he wants so who am I to get mad at that?

But I still can't help but feel annoyed.

"Alaska!" I hear Felix running down the hall.

I turned around and see Mako trailing behind him like a lost puppy, I felt like scoffing at the two. Why was he trying to talk to me with her around?

"Can we talk—"

"Alaska." A voice interrupted us causing me to turn back around and spot Chan by the door. "Come in."

I nodded and didn't glance back at Felix, instead I went into the dance room and began to follow the girls in the choreography.

We were performing Fancy by Twice, another Twice cover wow. I just really hope we can execute it correctly, we do get more points by showing we are a team.

"Five, six, seven, eight!" Chan clapped as well started from the top.

I could hear the loud sounds of our shoes hitting the floor and for some reason Mako wasn't practicing with us, I bet she always has the dance ready!
Why couldn't I be as good as her?

"Alright! That's it for today!" Chan clasped his hands together.

"Thank god, I want to go get ramen now." I groaned as I pack up my things.

"Oh do you want to go together?" Mako popped up from behind me.

"Huh?" I questioned, why would she want to go with me? Can't she mind her own business?

"Let's go with Nina and Felix." Mako smiled. "I want to be super close with you!"

"Um.. Fine?" Why did I say that? Oh god I'm stupid!

Whenever I get upset I usually keep it inside and when I'm confronted with a person I'm upset with it either goes good or bad. In this case I was being fake and agreed to hang out with them, damn it!

"Yuna said she'll stay here practicing, I hope its not for too long." Nina walked next to me with a frown. "But I'm excited to go eat!"

I nodded and smiled at Nina, what would I do without her? To be honest I think I don't feel that alone anymore, I mean I got Nina and Yuna now. I have to debut with them, I want to debut with them so badly.

Nina held my hand as we walked down the hall, Felix and Mako following behind.

"Don't worry about them, have fun." Nina whispered in my ear. "I know what's going on."

My eyes widened at Nina, how did she know?

"You know I know jealousy when I see it." Nina smirked. "But I'm here to console you."

"Console me? I'm doing amazing." I snorted right as we got to the elevator and got in.

"Well maybe if you were doing amazing, Chan wouldn't be pulling you out every 10 minutes." Nina said.

"Yeah, what's with that? I thought you were better." Felix scoffed from behind you.

"Felix—" I was about to punch him when Mako got in the way to defend him.

"Ow!" Mako flinched as my fist met her arm.

Well shit, was it my fault? Yup.

"It wasn't your fault." Nina and Mako said in sync.

"My bad, that was meant for Felix." I glared at the boy who only shot me back a concerned look.

"Okay..." Mako stood next to the boy in silence.

Once the elevator opened and we got out it was dead silent, it becomes awkward so fast.

• • •

"I think I'm going to go to the dorms." Nina announced and got up from the table.

"Really? Can't you stay for longer? I'm almost done with my lyric sheet." I begged.

"Sorry, I have to go check on Yuna." Nina frowned. "You know how crazy she can get when she's alone."

"Right." I frown as I focus back on my lyric sheet. "Be safe."

After Nina left I began to pack my things, what's the use of staying here when this was supposed to be my safe place and Felix was here with another girl?

Was I being too harsh? I need to stop acting this way, I'm supposed to be more humble. I'm honestly really disappointed in myself.

"I'm leaving." I announced and got up as well. "Goodnight."

"Alaska, its barely 9PM why don't you stay longer." Felix suggested.

"Nope, I'm tired." I shot both of them a fake smile. "Have a great night."

I walk outside the store and immediately felt the weight on my chest being lifted. I couldn't stand it there, Mako kept trying to bring Felix's attention to her. Why would she even ask to hang out if she barely talked to Nina and I?

I got a text from Nina saying she got home safely thank god, she did however remind me to stay humble. Gosh, was I really showing too much? I need to act more happier don't I?

"I know this show is a competition but don't lose yourself over girls that may seem better than you, remember to stay true to yourself." I read out loud as I walked down the street.

"I agree, I'd love to see you stay true to yourself." A voice startled me.

I quickly jumped around and saw a man smirking at me, he looked around his 30s and I felt really uncomfortable. What were his intentions?

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