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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 43

3rd Person POV 

The freckled boy paced around the room as he realized Alaska didn’t come today, was she okay? He knew he didn’t really have a right in caring about her but he still cared. 

He will always care.

No matter what happens or who he’s with, he will always look to see if she’s arrived at the building. 

He was told she did come earlier than morning but he didn’t catch her, he wondered if she would come the next day. 

She didn’t.

“Chan, where is she? Is she okay?” The boy paced around the dorms. 

“She’s fine, she just needs some time.” Chan explained trying to get him to calm down. “She’s taking a rest to find herself out and what she wants.” 

“I can’t stand it here anymore, tell me where her dorms are at!” Felix insisted.

“Felix what is wrong with you!” Chan shouted causing Felix to immediately shut up. “Can’t you listen to what I am telling you, she needs her time and she’s taking a rest so why can’t you fous on yourself as well? She doesn’t need you right now.” 

“I-” Felix groaned. “Please, I want to see that she’s okay. I won’t talk to her at all, I just need to see her.” 

“Well, you can’t.” Chan sighed and rubbed his temples.

“Why not? I will be careful-” 

“Because she’s not in Korea anymore!” Chan spit out but regretted it after as he groaned and placed his head in his hands.

“What? Where is she!” Felix nudged Chan. “Chan, tell me!” 

“She left to America,” Chan mumbled.

“Where?” Felix bent down to Chan’s level.

“To America.” Chan groaned. “And you can’t leave-”

“I need to go.” Felix bolted out the room. 

“Felixxx!” Chan groaned as he pulled Felix into the living room and sat him down. “I haven’t been too hard on you when it came to this situation because I thought you knew what you were doing, I trusted you.. But I may have had trust in the wrong person.” 

“What?” Felix scoffed. “I care about her, and she still pushes me away.” 

“Do you seriously not now what you did wrong? This is also your doing!” Chan exclaimed. “And now JYP had to cover it up by saying the photo of you and Alaksa supposedly kissing is actually you and Nancy!” 

Felix cursed under his breath as he looked away. “I don’t want to act like a couple with Nancy, I barely know the girl.” 

“But you don’t have a choice anymore, you kissed her first and you put her in this positions in the first place. You told me she refused the first time but you convinced her, this was your doing in the first place so you have to deal with the consequences.” Chan explained. “And also.. I don’t know why you want to blame her so bad for ignoring you when you ignored her two times and the first was when JYP gave you both a warning. She’s doing exactly what you did to her in the first place, don’t be surprised.” 

“Are you on her side? What do you have some sort of crush on her?” Felix glared at Chan. 

“No- Felix this is common sense. If you can’t see your wrong doing then I’m glad she decided to cut you off and leave.” Chan said before leaving the dorms and heading to the JYP building. 

This put Felix into deep thought, was it really common sense? Had he really messed up and was pinning all the blame onto Alaska? It didn’t matter now, he was with Nancy now and he had to act like like they’re in love. He had to focus on himself.

He had to forget about Alaska.

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