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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 22

"Alaska, you've improved so much it makes me feel like a proud dad." Chan pretended to shed a tear in the dance room.

"You really mean that? I haven't really looked at my improvement for quite a while, I think I just get distracted most of the time." I chuckled nervously.

"Well it's only been 2 weeks since you started training again, I hope you don't disappoint." Chan smiled.

"I promise I'll work even harder." I nodded.

But the thing was I couldn't, it felt empty without Yuna. Nina and I have been crying for a couple of days even if we could see Yuna on the weekends. The dorms felt too empty...

"Stop." Chan stopped me from dancing with a disturbed face. "Alaska, you've kept your legs in the floor and the footwork isn't being out into place."

"I can see that." I mumbled.

"You're performing 'Into the Iland', Alaska- You have to get the footwork right." Chan spat. "You won't get anything done by not moving your legs."

"I know! I know!" I sighed and began to start over.

My footwork sucks ass and I can't ask for much help, Nina was practicing on her own area with the cameras following her so I was left alone.

Felix wasn't here for some reason as well, I hope he was doing well.

I don't know I think I've been with M.I.A with myself, I miss being a kid. I think I miss going to school and just go out without a worry in the world. I miss my old friends, I miss hosting the dance club at my school. I miss sleeping in my bed and I missed when I was just a fan girl at a Stray Kids concert.

I've met Stray Kids once before but I'm sure they didn't recognize me from the hi touch event, plus its been a couple of months so of course they failed to even memorize my appearance. I wasn't exactly the hardcore fan of stray kids but I did cherish the boys, they've helped me become more confident and gave me a place to stay. I miss being a normal teenage girl.

"Alaska? Take a break." Chan looked at me with stricter eyes and pointed at the bench.

"Sorry." I sat down and drank water.

"Don't be sorry to me." Chan replied clearly not amused. "Be sorry to your members because they've got it nailed down before you did, catch up."

My heart ached at his words but he's right, Chan is always right and I'm always wrong. I should've practiced harder, I need to be better even if it kills me. I need to be lighter so I can catch up and go in sync with the other members. How do I memorize the choreography faster?

"I'm here!" The door opened and the camera crew shut off the cameras and shut the door behind them when they left.

In walked Felix with bags of food, looks like it was ordered.

"We're having some food from outside the company, I hope you like it!" Felix smiled brightly and faced me. "I got you pizza!"

"Really?" I run up to him as he hands me my bag. "You are amazing, thank you."

After everyone got their food from Felix, he walked over to me and sat with me while eating his lunch too.

"So, how have you been?" He asked.

"I suck, I can't do anything right." I frowned. "I think Chan scolded me, he wasn't too happy with me and I honestly think he's fed up with me."

"Oh-" Felix chuckled. "He was like that with me as well, he can be hard on people but it's because he can see your potential."

"Potential? Where?" I snorted.

"Trust me, he has a plan for you," Felix shot me a comforting smile. "He had a plan for Stray Kids and we're still going."

"I guess." I smile softly at him and rest my head on his shoulder. "But I'm so tired, my body is literally giving out."

"If I ask you to come over to make brownies, will you practice harder here?" Felix asked and placed his hand onto my head and ruffled my hair up a bit.

"Felix, you know what I like to hear." I groaned. "Fine."

Felix got up and brought back to the mirror while the others kept talking and eating, "I'll help you with the footwork."

And that day was spent on footwork, at the end I felt better because of Felix. I felt really insecure still, it was something that couldn't be helped but at least I tried.

• • •

"Brownie!" Felix chirped as he put the ingredients together. "Brownie! Brownie! Brownie!"

I chuckled at his cuteness, he was so gentle and loving I can't stop looking at him. He's such a great person, I hope I can be as good as he is.

"Okay, lets put the brownies in the oven." I said as I took the dish from Felix's hands.

"Brownies?" I heard another voice coming from the living room.

"Ah! Seungmin!" Felix rushed to the living making me smile softly, he's so clingy with his members it's really cute how he treats them.

"Who else is here? Alaska?" Seungmin questioned as I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"Hi!" I smiled as I closed the oven and face the boys. "We made brownies for everyone, they'll be ready in 30 minutes."

"Yes!" Seungmin smiled bright as he hugged Felix back tightly.

"Ugh, brownies again?" Another voice walked into the kitchen. "Felix I want you to make that pasta again!"

Minho frowned at the pair before walking over to me and shooting me. "Oh, hi Alaska!"

"What's up?" I questioned.

"I'm really good at speaking english." Minho smirked. "Better than Felix."

"I'm sure you are." I giggled and shook my head before taking Felix off of Seungmin. "Come on, you'll crush the boy."

Felix latched into me tightly after I tried shoving him off, he was definitely in a mood today.

"Let's play games!" I suggested which made Felix spring off into the living room happily.

"Yes! Let's play Mario kart!" Felix clapped in joy.

"Wait let me get a drink first!" Seungmin groaned before quickly raiding the fridge with Minho.

I sat on the couch with all of them and got ready to play Mario Kart, I finally got to destress today!

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