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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 67
The Truth

"Hello! I'm your MC Alaska." I cheered.

"And I'm your MC Felix." Felix completed our introduction.

"And welcome back to ASC!" We both said together.

I chuckled as I turned to Felix, he was still the same kid I met a few years ago. Only way more matured. He had orange hair now that was a bit longer on the sides to give a mullet effect.

His skin was beautiful and bright, his lips as well. It was actually quite nice seeing him again.

After a few years I sort of forgot about him, I forgot about the pain and the memories we had. I became so busy with schedules and producing that I didn't have time to think about my past relationship. And for that I'm grateful for.

"So.. How have you been?" Felix asked out of nowhere as we sat in silence.

Mako definitely went back to her dorm after I left her alone, there's no way she would still stay after we already recited our lines 10 times.

"I've been doing fine... And you?" I replied as I looked at him only to find him staring back at me with his full attention.

"Good." He replied. "I see your group has got many awards."

"Yup." I chuckled. "And I see you and Nancy are still dating."

"Oh." He frowned before looking away. "Thats unfortunate."

"Huh?" I frowned. "That's rude, why would you say that? She's your girlfriend."

"Uh." Felix groaned before digging his head into his hands. "You still don't know all of it."

"All of what?" I remember Felix always wanted to tell me about something a few years ago but I never listened.

I was pretty stubborn wasn't I?

"Nancy and I aren't actually dating. It's just for the public, JYPE made us date to cover up scandals." Felix sighed. "And I hate it."

"Then why are you still with her if you don't like her?" I replied with shock.

That can't be right.. Were they seriously just dating for the public eye?

"I don't know.. I think after we leave JYPE I'll break up with her." Felix sighed.

"But you guys seem so real on camera." I replied and stared at him.

"We don't have feelings for each other, I never have." He explained.

"Oh." I nodded my head trying to look unbothered.

But I wasn't unbothered. I hate how JYPE covered it up and I hate how it made Felix feel. But why was I sort of happy that it was fake?


"Well, want to go get food at the cafeteria?" I asked as I got up from the chair.

"Sure." He replied with a small smile as we both left the room to go get food.

This... This felt nice.

It felt like old times, how we used to get food at the cafeteria after practice. There wasn't much worry, it was fun and intriguing.

And I also didn't hate his guts.

"Could I just have ramen?" I asked the cook as he nodded and wrote my order in his notepad.

"Can I have the same?" Felix ordered after me which made me smile slightly.

All the times we went to the convenience store to eat ramen and spend time fooling around.

Its been a while since I've been to that specific convenience store.

"Alaska! What are you- Felix!" Nina popped out of nowhere.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you all stayed at the dorm?" I questioned as I saw Yuna and Rima stand up from the tables and walk towards us.

"We got bored, we came here to practice more and perfect our dances." Nina giggled as she eyed Felix. "Because you taught us to practice harder."

Felix looked at Nina and then looked at me with a small smile to which I nervously chuckled.

"You've never changed your ways after all these years." Felix snickered. "Ahh, typical Alaska."

"What do you mean by that?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah, Felix?" Nina crossed her arms. "Was that an insult?"

Felix looked at us before shaking his head quickly. "Oh, no! I just meant Alaska works so hard its something everyone admires her for."

Nina wiggled her eyebrow at him before taking my hand and dragging me to the table with Yuna and Rima tagging along.

"Guys— Felix! Come sit with us." I sighed before calling out to Felix.

Poor boy was in an awkward position because of the girls, oh how they loved to mess with boys.

"Sorry." Felix did a quick slight bow before sitting across from me.

"So, Felix how are you and Nancy?" Yuna looked at him with a stern glance.

"Uh, fine." He replied as he messed around with his ramen.

"Guys, let's not kill the poor boy." I chuckled as I nudged Yuna. "He's an MC with me on ASC now, along with Mako."

"What!" They all shouted.

"Whoa, you're lucky that you get to work with Mako." Rima gasped which made Yuna and Nina roll their eyes.

"Yeah.." I trailed off as I began to eat.

"What's.. Wrong with Mako?" Rima looked at us in confusion, we hadn't told any of the members on what really went on during the survival show.

I mean not even Felix knew!

"So basically back in trainee days, Mako didn't like Alaska and actually was the reason she was kicked—" Yuna began to spill which made Nina quickly shut her up.

"Shh! We're in public! It's better to save it for the dorm, plus Alaska might not be comfortable to talk about the whole situation yet. I mean she hasn't really confronted Mako yet.. Its been years." Nina explained.

"Actually, I did confront her today. I hope she took what I said to heart." I brought my head up to look at them with a small smile. "Never thought that I would have the guts to say that to her."

"What do you mean? Did you guys like fight?" Felix snickered.

"Well.." I trailers off thinking if I should tell him the truth or not.

"Alaska, this isn't the right time and place to tell him—" Nina butt in but I waved my hand to stop her.

"Its alright Nina." I said. "I think its only right for Felix to know who released the photo."

Felix's eyes were confused until they widened at the realization.

The leaked photo.

"You- You mean she?" Felix started as he dropped his chopsticks. "Mako? Out of everyone she was—? No. That can't be."

But it's true, Felix. Your little "friend", tainted our careers.

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