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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 73
Kiss & Make Up

"Let's go rob a bank!" I slurred as I patted on Yeonjun's shoulder with a laugh.

"I'm sorry?" He looked at me with a confused face.

"You're the guy who sings special." I teased before laughing. "Doesn't beomgyu tease you too much on your lines?"

Yeonjun looks at Beomgyu who laughed before looking at me and helped me sit down properly.

"You're Alaska aren't you? The leader of the Dare Devilz?" Yeonjun looked me up and down with a lustful look on his face.

"Yup, hey you have a really pretty face I bet your babies would be pretty cute too." I giggled which made Yeonjun laugh.

"Oh, I bet they will." He laughed and shook his head. "You're so drunk, I don't think I've seen someone get drunk this easily."

"I'm not drunk!" I stood up before almost falling down but managing to catch myself. "I'm just a little tired from performing, I mean I did have a dance break."

"I enjoyed seeing it." Soobin walked towards the table. "Alaska, should we call someone to help you get home?"

"Nah!" I swatted my hands. "I'm fine! This is the one night I can be reckless and do whatever I want! Wooooo!"

I clapped my hands before running off to another table, this time it was Stray Kids.

"Seungmin the building!" I roared as I approached the table and hug Seungmin tightly.

"Alaska! You scared me." Seungmin flinched as he turned around and pushed me off yet still holding my hands.

"Ya! Seungmin is that the right way to treat a lady?" I bickered. "You're going to be single your whole life if thats how you treat your friends."

"I already have a girlfriend." Seungmin sighed. "Which is why, I need you to respect my boundaries."

"Aww." I pouted as I step away. "And you never told me you had a girlfriend? Who is she? Is she hot? What if I steal her away from youuu!"

"She's so drunk, I've never seen her this way who knew she could be so reckless and funny." Minho laughed and pointed at me.

"Minho, just because you learned english doesn't give you the right to bully me." I frowned. "I mean, don't you and Jisung have a thing together."

Minho stopped laughing before frowning and pointing at me again. "You're dead meat."

He started to chase me which made me scared so I ran behind Felix and begged him to sacrifice himself to Minho.

"Please Felix! Minho's going to kill me! Why don't you sacrifice yourself I mean I have a group to lead I can't be killed by Minho!" I cried. "I need to keep up my reputation as the best bank robber in Korea!"

"Best bank robber huh?" Felix shot me a look before snickering and looking at Minho who stood in front of him.

"Yes! I've robbed many banks and no one ever found out it was me, so you guys can't tell anyone." I shushed him.

"Oh yeah, sure." Felix caught on and sent me a thumbs up before saying something to Minho which made him go sit back next to Jisung.

"Felix, let's go rob a bank right now!" I pulled his hand. "We'll be rich! We could start our own family and have kids!"

Felix shot me an amused look before following after me outside the club. "Kids huh? How many kids are we going to have?"

"Hmm, I don't like the idea of having to go through pain to push out a kid so maybe like 5?" I questioned before laughing and holding his hand tighter.

"5!?" Felix choked out like I was crazy.

"Bro! I see a bank, let's go!" I ran with his hand in mine.

We reached the bank and went to the back to find a ladder to the top covered up.

"That doesn't stop me." I smirked before climbing onto the sides.

"Alaska!" Felix called out. "Be careful! You're drunk and you might fall!"

He tried to put out his arms to catch me but I just laughed at his concern.

"I'm not drunk Felix! I'm a bank robber!" I corrected him with a frown. "Get it right!"

Felix chuckled and shook his head before coming up the sides of the ladder to join me on top, the view was pretty. It brought back so many memories.

I did feel a little bit dizzy though which made me fall to the floor to gather my thoughts.

"Woah." Felix held me as he sat down next to me. "Relax, baby."

"I am relaxed, did you know I actually was trained by the Rock himself? We're actually best friends." I smirked.

"Alaska, we should get you home. Its late." Felix shook his head with a might chuckle before looking at me steadily.

"But dude, I'm telling you like I'm so buff and strong. You can't tell me what to do, I could take you down with a punch!" I threw my fist in the air before throwing my head into Felix's chest, my eyes getting heavier than usual.

"Ah really? No wonder your slaps are always so hard." Felix seemed amused as he held me close.

"Does Chan still walk in the dorm naked?" I questioned as I looked up at Felix.

"Um.... Yes?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows at my question which made me giggle.

"That boy is a wonder, you know I did have a small crush on him throughout the years." I confessed which made Felix look at me with a frown. "But he got with Sana, you know I'm pretty happy now that he's with her. I know Chan deserves the best and I'm so happy he's with her, they were best friends and although I'm a bit heartbroken, at least I can move onto you."

"Me?" Felix questioned as his eyes widened. "Am I some sort of rebound?"

"Felix!" I argued before leaning away from me and sitting up straight. "You were buried in the back of heart since I left the company. You were never the rebound."

I looked at him before staring at his lips, they looked so pretty and just like I had seen them 5 years ago.

And I still felt dizzy so I took my chances and thought it was all a dream, in a dream you do things that you wouldn't normally do in real life.

You do reckless things.

I pecked his lips quickly before getting up and leaving the roof, going down the ladder Felix sat there in shock from my action.

"Come on let's go rob that bank!" I called out which made Felix come back to reality.

A smile spread acrosd his face as he climbed down and ran down the streets with me.

It felt nice doing reckless things when you're drunk, no worries in the world.

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