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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 14
"Things I wanted to say
but never did"

Third Person POV

The boy stood outside the convenience store with a frown, how could she bring bring Chan to the place where she spent most of her time with Felix?

Alaska seems to not have any shame, or maybe Felix was over thinking?

Sure, Felix spent more time with Mako now because she's asked him personally to help her train but he couldn't keep his mind off of Alaska. He cared for the girl deeply, he wanted to make sure she didn't have the same hard time as he did when he was a trainee.

"Hi Felix!" Mako popped out out nowhere and approached the boy who was lost in thought.

"Oh— Hello there!" Felix smiled at the girl in front of him.

"I wanted to get some ramen, can you come with me?" Mako asked with a big smile.

"I don't think—"

"Aw! Come on! It'll be fun!" Making interrupted the boy.

"Fine." Felix agreed and walked into the store with Mako.

Alaska and Chan took notice of this and turned their heads to the entrance, Alaska's eyes fell at the sight. Felix had brought the girl she felt insecure about to her safe space.

Alaska immediately looked away and instead faced Chan and continued to talk with him. Felix felt bothered by the fact that Chan was the one she was getting closer with, he didn't want to admit he felt jealous.

"Come on, Let's go to the back and eat!" Mako exclaimed and dragged Felix to the back.

That was when Felix stood at the back table awkwardly, Alaska and Chan turned to the pair again and sat in silence.

"Hi! I didn't think you two would be here!" Mako chirped.

"Could you please keep it down? Its pretty late." Chan asked Mako as they sat down.

"Oops! Sorry." Mako giggled.

"I'm leaving, nice to meet you." Alaska got up as Felix stared at her with hurt eyes.

Alaska didn't glance at the boy at all before leaving— Chan following behind.

"Alaska, why don't you talk to Felix?" Chan questioned the poor girl, they made their way down the beautiful streets once again.

"He's clearly busy, he brought Mako to the store." Alaska grumbled. "It's late, you should go back to dorm."

"I need to make sure you're safe though." Chan offered as he turned the street.

"You don't have to." Alaska chuckled.

"Alaska, you seem to give so much of yourself without expecting anything else in return." Chan observed. "That's not the best characteristic you should have."

"Oh please, like you're any different?" Alaska snorted.

"Right." Chan sighed in defeat and stopped in front of the huge building. "Well, have a great night."

"You too, tell Jisung to post something on instagram as well." Alaska said as she opened the gates to the building.

"And why is that?" Chan questioned in confusion.

"I saw on twitter that Stays miss him, I figured if he posted something maybe they'll stop missing him?" Alaska replied.

"I'll make sure he does then, bye." Chan chuckled and nodded before taking off.

Alaska got into her dorm and all the lights were off, she was exhausted! She quickly went to the bathroom and then went into her room. She kept rethinking the way Felix stared at her, she could feel his eyes on her. Why would he bring Mako to the store? The more people know then she won't be able to concentrate in her safe space.

It felt awkward with Felix as well, were they on good terms or bad? What would she do if she ran into him the next day?

• • •

It was the day of the performance, Alaska and the girls were afraid to fail. Knowing that Nina and Yuna didn't even make the line up was scary,  they had to get better or else they'll be eliminated.

"Hello girls." JYP sat down at the desk with papers in his hand. "This time, PSY and Wooyoung will be taking a huge part in who will get to pass and who will not."

Alaska bit the inside of her cheek and pressed her index finger and middle finger to her neck, she tried to find a pulse and see if her heartbeat went quicker than before. She always did this when she got nervous.

"I see you prepared Twice's song." PSY announced into the microphone as he reads the paper in his band. "This isn't a very easy song."

Alaska paid attention to the translations to make sure she was on track, it was difficult so she swore she would start learning korean.

"We'll talk more after the performance." JYP quickly put down his microphone as the girls got into places.

Being nervous could be a very good thing but the girls didn't see it that way, the performance indicated who would be eliminated and who would not.

As the song started JYP found himself staring at Alaska and Yuna a lot, their dancing was definitely a lot better and he could see the improvement. It looked like they did train hard, JYP knew he did a good job by replacing their mentor.

JYP heard the loud vocals that came from Nina which he very much enjoyed, however he didn't enjoy her dancing. He didn't see any growth in the poor girl, the only good thing was that she could sing but an idol had to perform. Alaska was focused but also finally enjoying herself, the tension left her side as she finally felt free.

JYP took note of the stage presence and how comfortable the girls looked, to be an idol you have to be confident in yourself otherwise you won't feel the need to debut.

JYP already had an idea on who he wanted to debut, but it was only going to be one girl from this group..

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