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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 66Confrontation

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 66

"So what's going to happen with Stray Kids?" I questioned as Chan and I walked down the quiet street.

"Well we could stay in JYP but some of the members want to work on other things like acting and I don't think our company would let them." Chan frowned. "I actually want to start my own company now, but I don't want to seperate from the kids."

"Ah." I noticed how upset he became at the thought. "Chris, you don't always have to protect them you know? They'll always be there."

Chris looked at me with a face threatening to spill tears, he looked so overwhelmed with the future and I didn't even know he was struggling with this thought until now.

"Alaska, what if they leave me? What if we barely see each other anymore? What if they go through a lot of hate and I'm not there to help them?" He let himself grow vulnerable around me, letting tears escape his eyes as he looked down with his hands in his face.

"Stop it." I brought his head and dug it into my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me to hug me.

"I don't want to be a-alone. They saved me, what if I'm not good enough?"

"Shhhh, you are good enough and you have been good enough from the start. They love you so much, they'll come to you and they would want you to start your own company. They're always going to be here." I rubbed his back to comfort him.

Poor boy has had the same fear he faced when he debuted with the kids... I could tell this thought had always bothered him and it was only now that he finally let me know it.

Chan was selfless, he gave so much of himself to people and didn't expect anything else in return. He tried his best to make the best out of a negative situation. He was a good guy.

I really love Chan.

"Hey, let's go get some ramen yeah?" I offered as I held his hand and led him down the street to a convenience store.

Chan nodded his head and hung his head low so that no one could tell he was crying.

I don't think a lot of people see it but he's a very emotional person just like me, he shows his strength and his confidence a lot. I think he doesn't want people worrying about him too much but everyone has their breaking point...

I know I do.

• • •

"I'm here!" I dashed to Psy's office with a nice outfit I put together.

I was actually quite proud I came up with a nice outfit, I usually slap whatever's the first thing I see in my closet and run to Pnation so I'm not late.

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