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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 33Rules

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 33

"Jisung!" Felix stands up quickly and closes the door behind him with a lock.

Jisung still stands completely still with his mouth open and shifts his eyes to me and to Felix.

"You both..." He starts pointing. "Are-"

"We can explain!" I take Jisung's hand and bring him to the couch. "But you can't tell anyone, got that?"

Jisung nods slowly before blinking his eyes and looking down to think.

"So um, this is pretty awkward huh?" Jisung looks up at me with a cheeky smile. 

"Jisung!" I slapped his arm. "This is serious! You can't tell anyone what you just saw."

"Well, you see I think I just saw you and Felix swallowing each other's tong-"

"Jisung!" Felix groaned as he shook Jisung.

"Okay fine! I'll be serious! But.... Bruh how was it?" Jisung smirked at us before earning another punch.

"Look, we aren't technically dating." Felix said which stung my heart. "We are just friends that like each other a lot, nothing too intense."

"Ahh," Jisung nods before turning to me. "How did you get this man to fall for you?" 

"I don't know ask him," My cheejs flushed as I pushed Felix towards Jisung. "I'm going to leave now-"

"Come back to the dorms! We miss you!" Jisung whined. 

"Jisung, I was literally there yesterday." I deadpanned.

"So, why can't you come back and cook for us?" Jisung whined. "Come onnnnn. Whyyyyy! Why are you like thissss! Nooooo! Please come back." 

"Are you forgetting that she only comes to the dorms for me? She's not cooking for you." Felix scoffs.

"She's like our mom along with Chan! Let her cook for us you jealous bitch!" Jisung growls at Felix and pushes him before turning to me with an angelic smile. "I knew you guys had something going on, there's no way Felix gets that close with someone in a matter of time... Well mostly with girls."

"Really? I thought he had girls in his messages." I smirked.

"Only stays, but then again they ship him with Changbin.." Jisung frowns.

I start laughing at Felix who only looks at me with a glare. "Oh shit my bad dude."

"Did you just call me dude?" Felix questions as he stands up with a lifted eyebrow.

"Yes, and what about it?" I challenged before he attacked me with tickles.

"Are we fighting now?" Jisung smiles brightly before attacking Felix. 

We were having so much fun until a loud knock came from behind the door.

"Who is in there?" A loud voice asked before unlocking the room with keys.

In walked JYP and Chan whose mouths hung down at the sight, this was... Not a really good situation to be in. 

As predicted, JYP walked me outside as Chan stayed inside with the boys and closed the door. 

"Alaska, what is going on?" JYP asked with a stern look. 

"Well.. We're just friends playing around, we finished practicing so we were taking a break." I advised as I bowed down and looked at him. 

"Alaska, how do I say this.." JYP sighed. "You cannot become too close with boys right now. Even if they're apart of our family the public will not accept it that way, I'm"m telling you this to help you have a smooth debut. I know you haven't signed the contract yet but you will in 3 weeks as we prepare for your group. Stay out of trouble, I don't want to see you alone with them unless you're with staff or another girl from Twice or Itzy."

My heart ached with each sentence that left that old man's mouth, I can't spend time with them anymore?

I don't even talk with any of the Twice members or Itzy!

"JYP, you see I'm really close with Felix and he's helped me a lot-"

"And I know that, it was fine during the survival show because it made a lot more sense. People would think he's only training you but now it's all over and there's no reason for you guys to interact." 

"But we're literally best friends-"

"And that's still not acceptable until 2 year into your debut." JYP kept cutting me off. 

"So there's a friend ban along with a dating ban?" I unintentionally scoffed, maybe it's more hormones that are making me behave differently. "It's an innocent friendship that fans should get through their heads!"

"Are you trying to tell me I'm wrong? Are you yelling at me?" JYP started. "I really hope that's just my imagination because you are out of line to be arguing with me, I already told you the consequences so if you can't respect the rules I set out for you then I don't think you debuting with the girls is a good idea." 

I was taken aback by his threat, was he actually being serious? I should probably stop talking, but I didn't.

"I'm not telling you that you're wrong, I was just expecting you to be more protective and caring about the happiness of your girl groups." I say and leave him standing alone in the hallway.

As I walked out the building I was beyond devastated, I just risked my career right now but I felt lost. I didn't expect for this to happen.. I just lied to JYP about my thing with Felix but was it lying? 

I can't stand this pressure anymore, but I did come here to be an idol didn't I? People think it's so easy to be in my place and think it's an amazing position, I used to think that way as well. Now that I think of it, it's not the best thing in my life right now. I wish I was a normal teenager again, I can't even go out without a mask now because we had so many viewers who watched the survival show... Yes, over 3 hundred thousand has watched the survival show. 

I wonder what Felix and Jisung talked about with Chan, did they cover it up too? Is Chan mad? Would this mean that I wouldn't be able to go to their dorms anymore? I loved hanging out at their dorms because it felt like a true family.

What was I going to do now? Was this all worth it? I don't think I can do this anymore.

Can I be a star?

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