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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 10

"Can I really trust you? I hate that I still miss you, how could you forget? Screw our promises!" The laptop roared.

"It sounds amazing." I gasped at the results on Chan's laptop. "So are you actually going to release it?"

"Yeah, but we need a stage name for you." Chan said and looked at you for more information. "Do you have one?"

"Um.. No?" I chuckled awkwardly. "I could think of one maybe."

"Think of one on the spot right now." He looked serious.

"Um.. Polaris." I stated with confidence.

"Polaris? I like it." Chan smiled as he wrote it down. "It'll go out today."

"Today? I thought maybe on Friday but today?" I gasped, I wasn't ready at all like I had to mentally prepare for the public to hear my voice.

"You'll be fine! I'm sure many will love your voice," Chan reassured me. "Now let's go practice!"

• • •

"I can't do this, my legs won't go fast in sync with you all." Nina frowned as she sat down on the floor.

"Nina, it'll be fine don't worry just work on that move before Chan comes." I advised as the doorknob twists.

We both whipped out heads around and seeing Chan with Felix, as soon as I see Felix I felt knots in my stomach but I showed the brightest smile.

"Felix!" I run to him and crushed him in a hug, thankfully there were no cameras around to film this because that would be alarming.

"Woah— Hi there!" Felix grunted as he hugged me back and then released me.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned as I sat down next to Nina.

"I decided to take a break and come watch you girls, I miss critiquing your dance." He replied and sat on the black coach.

"Oh, so you'll watch us?" I asked nervously to clarify.

"Yep, I'm hoping to see improvement." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

Gosh, him and his eyebrow wiggling habit is going to make me explode.

"Well, let's start off with the beginning!" Chan clasped his hands together.

I was worried for Nina, I hope Chan doesn't go too harsh on her, she's not the best in dancing but rather the best in singing. Her dance skills need to not be noticeable that much, if she can't do the drop at the same pace then it'll be bad for the whole team.

"Okay, let's go!" Chan started the music and stood in the center of the room.

"I hear the alarms, ring-a-ling." I started singing and danced to the music.

I almost messed up while Yuna was singing but luckily I went around that possibility and began to focus more on my steps, I caught myself looking at Nina a lot of the times to make sure she didn't mess up as well. Maybe that's why?

"Wait, Alaska." Chan stopped the music. "What's wrong, you seem distracted."

I could feel Felix's eyes burn at the back of my neck, this was embarrassing to say the least but why did I find it embarrassing? I don't get embarrassed in the slightest!

"I'm fine, don't worry I'll do better." I told him and got back in place as he started the music again.

When it came to the chorus I watched Nina again and tried to see why she was messing up the drop, she was too fast. She was supposed to put her hand first and look down, not go down first!

"Nina." Chan stopped the music again and went closer to us. "Could you please do the drop again as a team?"

"Yes." Nina nodded and started again.

We ended up doing it 5 times and Nina still didn't catch on which made Change a little bit upset, he kept telling her to do it again on her own and then compared her to me.

"Wait Chan." I told him and then turned to Nina who looked lost. "Nina, I think what's keeping you from doing the drop is the fact you keep doing it too fast."

I tried to explain it more in depth and even did the steps with her, as she went to the drop I changed her hand position and sang the lyrics and did the counts with her as well.

"And that's why you ended up doing it too fast, you need to look down and use your hand instead of just going straight down." I explained and then asked Chan to play the music.

"Alright, I think we can start again." Chan started the music as we got into our positions again.

This time we did it all in one go and no one messed up, I think we did good today!

"Alright, that's the end of practice!" Chan clapped. "But I would advise Yuna to focus in your singing and breathing, you too Alaska."

I nodded and started to pack up my things, I was hungry and I wanted to go the cafeteria so badly!

"Woah calm down!" Felix ran after me as I dashed out the room. I shouldn't be running in the hallways but I was so excited to eat.

"Come on, Lixie!" I giggled. "We finally get a break!"

I turned around and took his hand to run to the cafeteria as the adrenaline rushed through my veins. As we made it to the cafeteria I didn't notice that I was still holding onto him. His hand was comfortably in mines and he didn't seem to notice either, why did I hold his hand?

"Woah, they finally have pork cutlet!" Felix was overjoyed and immediately went to the trays and handed me one.

"Oh my— I love this dish!" I was even more excited as I get the tray and serve myself.

"Why are y'all holding hands?" Jisung asks as he passes us with his tray.

"What—" Felix looks at our intertwined hands and then looked at me with widen eyes.

I sensed the panic in his eyes so I immediately let go of his hand and coughed. "I dragged him to the cafeteria, didn't notice I still held his hand."

"Right." Felix snaps into reality and shakes his head with a scoff.

"Oh, well it's fine guys friends can hold hands but just make sure it ain't in front of the cameras." Jisung shrugged and went away.

"I'm going to sit with my friends." I advised Felix and quickly sat at the empty table I usually sat at with my friends.

My stomach felt weird again and I want starting to feel flustered, what the heck is going on now..

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