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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 15Eliminations

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 15

Alaska's POV

"I think I bombed it." I sighed as I sat down in the waiting room with the girls. "And I feel even worse on what they said to you two."

"Alaska, you are an amazing performer!" Nina exclaimed. "Just because he insulted us doesn't mean It's the end."

"How can you be to optimistic?" I scoffed. "Nina, he barely acknowledged your singing skills!"

"And that's okay." Nina stood her ground. "I can always improve!"

"Nina, you don't get it." I stand up and face her with a serious look. "If you don't pass this round then you won't even have any opportunity to improve."

"I am positive I can pass, I did really well on the ending high notes!" Nina argued back.

"Yuna, I can't." I turn to Yuna and hug her tight. "I'm so sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? You don't know if I'm being eliminated! All that hard work, He's got to notice it!" Nina broke us apart.

"Nina, sometimes even your best, even your hardest work will not be enough." I explained. "You have to be perfect, you have to be flawless or else he won't choose you, not even PSY will."

"Alaska, we will debut together." Nina looked at me with teary eyes. "I promise."

"What she said." Yuna smiled softly. "I just know someday we will debut together."

I looked at the girls with a comforting smile before initiating a group hug, we were the first group up so we had to wait for the others to finish up.

• • •

"I have the rankings, 3 girls will eliminated and the rest will stay." JYP announced.

I was shaking, I didn't want to be ranked lower at all. It felt like this was all moving too fast and I didn't like it, what did I sign up for?

"First place." JYP continued. "We think she's done an outstanding job and has always put much effort in her performances.

"She performs like an idol, not a trainee." PSY got up with a smile. "Mako."

My heart dropped again, Mako? Of course it's her, she's amazing! She's been a trainee for maybe as long as Yuna but she's so much better.

I wish I was her.

"And for second place, she has worked just as hard and I believe she deserves to debut." Wooyoung said. "Miihi."

We all started to clap again, right now Mako and Miihi were standing on the stage in front of us. I don't think I'm going to be called.

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