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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 63Bad habits

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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 63
Bad habits

"Felix, I hate that you can convince me to do these rebellious acts." I groaned as the boy dragged me into his room.

"Me? It was you who taught me." Felix winked as he laughed and locked his door.

"Felix, we can't be caught. I need to debut I can't risk—" I started and then stopped.

What the fuck am I doing? Here I am, in the dorm of a dude who ruined my career in a flash, the same dude who has a girlfriend. The same dude who hurt me and lied to me.

He was my favorite mistake.

A mistake I did not regret.

Why didn't I regret it? I should resent him and regret our past feelings.

I need to get out before things escalate.

"I need to go." I got up to which he stopped me.

"Alaska, I really care about you and I know it's risky but you need to live a little." Felix said. "Thats what you taught me."

"Well, I was wrong." I retaliated. "I can't be wreckless and ruin my chances of debuting again."

"You won't finish this album if you don't get some sleep." He made a valid point.

I hate that boy. I hate how he's right.

I was tired of fighting, this boy found his way back into my life whether I liked it or not. The pull I get from my heartstrings whenever we lock eyes. I still had feelings. It's been months and I still had feelings? No. Thats impossible.

"Can you at least hold me till I fall asleep?" I whispered as I looked at him.

Just this one sleepover and then I won't have to do it again, this is smart... Right? I mean there's no way he would want to make this a regular thing... Right!

"Of course." He smiled as he motioned for me to get comfortable.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his face snuggle behind my neck, his soft breathes into my neck as the lights turned off.

I felt completely calm in that moment.

I moved my hair so that it wasn't hitting his face which made him act up.

"Ah, so you like when I'm closer to you?" I could feel his smirk.

"Stop it." I lightly nudge him before rolling my eyes.

It felt like everything was normal again, but I felt instant guilt that he had a girlfriend and who was I to be sleeping in his bed.

• • •

"You sure got a lot of sleep last night, I heard you left the studio around 9... That's pretty early... However, you didn't come home until the morning." Nina took notice as I left my room.

"I don't want to talk about it." I sighed as I rubbed my eyes awake.

"Did you spent the night in the dance room?" Yuna questioned as I walked into the living room.

"You could say that." I sighed and place my hair into a ponytail.

"Jacob called and let us know he had three tracks ready." Rima walked in with a yawn. "He let me listen, I love how it's very hype and not soft."

"Huh?" I questioned. "Which song?"

"I think you named it I really don't care?" Rima tilted her head trying to remember.

No way he listened to me? Jacob let me keep the original idea? I need to talk to him soon.

"Everything is going to be alright guys." I smiled. "We got this."

The girls smiled back at me and nodded, I could tell our debut will be successful.

Things seemed to turn out better now.

• • •

It was now early October, wow time has gone by so quickly.

I finished the album with Jacob which was a relief, yeah we did have disagreements but the man knew what he was doing for the most part. He learned to respect the way I work with music and he ultimately learned to trust me. I think that now our relationship is way stronger and better, we found a way to better communicate.

As for right now, we have the concept photos taken and they were released on our group Instagram. I think we look really good.

Now we just have to get the dance done, we have all of October to practice which I took to my advantage.

Long story short, I learned the dance in just two weeks but I wish I learned it sooner. The other members were struggling so I had to take it upon myself to help them get all the details.

And as anyone can probably tell, it was stressful.

"Again." I instructed as the music played again and the girls got in their positions.

"Alaska, I really—" Yuna sighed.

"Yuna, the move isn't hard but you're making it look like it is. Just focus and do it again." I advised and looked at the mirror to see if all of them were aligned.

"I'm tired." Rima groaned as she sat on the floor.

"Guys, our dance teacher expects you all to be professionals by next week and you guys have grasped the details. Trust me, if you learn this now you won't have to worry." I explained. "Rima you're moving too fast in the chorus and Yuna your moves are delayed for the intro. Come on! Don't you guys want a successful debut?"

I stood up next to Yuna to help her time the intro right, she followed along as I showed her an example and thankfully after 6 more tries she finally got it.

I don't think I'm being too harsh on them, I think it's necessary to be like this because I don't want them being scolded by the dance teacher on the dance. I think we all need to work as a team, when a member fails it can bring the whole group down. Everyone needs to be on the same page.

I may be strict when it comes to this but I love my members so much, I don't want to see them fail. I don't want the public to think they're lazy or talentless. I want people to enjoy them.

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