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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 77
A new member

• • • 3 years later • • •

"I can't do this." I groaned as I threw up in the toilet and immediately flushed it.

"Well we can't all just not perform, the show must go on." Aaliyah frowned as she paced around the bathroom.

"I'll be fine." I changed my mind as I stood up and washed my mouth with water.

"No, Alaska you're not fine and you won't be if you perform." Nina frowned as she tapped her foot on the floor and eyed me in the mirror. "You have stomach flu or something, we'll go to the doctor after this I already sent Yuna to tell Sua."

"Dude, you need to stop stressing yourself like you missed your period and you're throwing up because of it. I care about you please take care of yourself." Rima patted my back softly.

"Is she in here?" A deep voice came from outside the bathroom.

Before I knew it the door opened and Felix walked in, his eyes filled with worry.

"Babe, are you okay?" He questioned as he saw my face which was pale at this point. "How did you get sick? Why are you overworking yourself?"

"I want to perform, I can do it." I nodded with a fake smile. "We're in Los Angeles, we need to finish this concert the fans are probably tired of waiting outside."

"Alaska, you won't be performing with us I'm sorry." Yuna walked in with a serious face. "Sua is not letting you perform, you are being rushed to the hospital."

"No- I just have a little bit off-" I began to walk but felt really dizzy and black spots appeared in my vision.

"Woah! I'm carrying her to the car, you girls perform." Felix held me up and carried me out the bathroom as I began to close my eyes.

What was happening to me? I didn't know stress could cause something this serious, I was used to working hard and it's never got this bad.

What sickness did I have?

• • •

"Alaska? You're awake." I opened my eyes to see Felix and my group in the same hospital room as me.

"Hi." I chuckled as I sat up. "What happened?"

Felix frowned softly before sitting in a chair and looking down, what was going on?

"Alaska.." Nina walked up to me with a nervous frown. "It wasn't stress or the stomach flu."

"Then what was it?" I questioned with a frown.

Why was everyone looking at me like they felt bad for me? What did they know that I didn't?

"You know how we just renewed the contract with Psy? You might want to rethink it because of this." Nina started and looked down thinking of how she should tell me the news.

"What is it!" I groaned. "Just tell me!"

Felix got up and held my hand before looking into my eyes with glossy eyes.

"Alaska," Felix began to cry. "We're going to be parents."

Parents? What did he mean- I'm pregnant! What the hell? Was I actually? Wait what the fuck.

"You nasty kids, I can't believe you barely got pregnant at this point I was expecting to be an aunt like two years ago." Yuna rolled her eyes as she sat next to me on the bed. "Nevertheless, we contacted Psy after the concert and he'll be on a plane here tomorrow. Congratulations on being a mother."

"Wait, so did they really do the Devils Tango?" Yeimy gasped.

"Shut up, Yeimy." Aaliyah replied. "It's officially called Naked Wrestling."

"Guys!" I groaned as they all laughed, I felt a bit embarrassed like I'm seriously pregnant.

But Felix and I were being safe, I turned to Felix to see him shoot me with a genuine smile.

"Are you happy to become a dad?" I chuckled.

"We need to get married before the baby comes you know?" Felix replied. "How many kids are we going to have?"

"Felix!" I slapped his hand as my face flushed.

"I'm leaning towards 3!" Nina cheered.

"3? Alaska better have 8!" Yuna narrowed her eyes.

"I call 5!" Rima squealed.

"What about 2?" Momoka said.

"5 kids seem nice." Felix giggled before rubbing my hand with his. "That is if you want 5, I don't want you to go through more pain than you will with right now."

I smiled at him, he was so cute. He was going to be dad! He would be an amazing dad, but me? I'm scared I won't be a good mom...

"Let's have 5." I nodded.

"Damn, so yall are gonna fuc-"

"Yuna!" Nina shushed Yuna before Yuna could finish as Yuna out her hands up in defense.

My face flushed even more, now they all knew we had sex. Felix and I were always safe! I don't know how I got pregnant but condoms aren't 100% effective.


I wasn't disappointed that I was pregnant, rather just worried about the consequences. Would Psy yell at me? Would I need to break my contract? Was I even going to be a good mom? What would the public think.

"Don't worry love." Felix kissed my forehead. "We'll figure it out."

I was so lucky to have him by my side, he was quite happy that I was pregnant. Thank god we had a dorm in Los Angeles because I knew they wouldn't let me fly back to Korea pregnant.

So the baby would be born in America, wait... What would the gender be?

"Hello, I'm Jennie and I've come with news." The doctor came in with a smile.

"Hi, what news?" I questioned.

"It looks like you're on your 3rd week of pregnancy, how did you not notice until now?" Jennie asked.

"I guess I thought I was eating too much and was because I was stressed." I shrugged. "I started to vomit only till this week because I wasn't able to hold it in anymore."

"Wow, you must've been so distracted.. Anyways, when you make your 15 weeks you can find your baby's gender." She smiled before leaving the room.

I wonder what the gender would be..

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Author's note: Hey guys! I know it's a bit late but its like around 10PM for me, I wasn't lying when I said I would release all the chapters today but I did have work so... Yknow I couldn't publish until now but 💀


Not them doing the devils tango?? KIDDING AHAHAHA

What gender do y'all think it'll be??

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