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𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 76
You make me feel like
A teenager in love

"You know I hate PDA, how dare you make a scene out of our problems." I pouted as Felix laughed deeply.

We were at my bedroom on my bed, it was around 10PM and Felix was ignoring the member's calls knowing damn well they saw the situation and were in shock.

Poor kids.

"Well you did sing about screaming to the world about your love for me." He insisted as he out his hands up in defense.

"Just because I sang the duet with you? Just because I sang Secret Love Song?" I scoffed. "Ya! Don't ever do such a reckless thing like that again."

"And what about you? You spoke Korean just to prove something to me?" Felix teased which made me narrow my eyes at him.

"I try to do one nice thing for you and you—" I began but was interrupted by the knock of the door.

"Who is it?" I called out as the door opened with Nina and PSY standing outside.


"Oh! Hello..." I winced at the situation we were in, this didn't look too good.

"I knew you guys would get together someday!" PSY broke out in a smile. "Now let's talk before anything gets out of hand I know you guys won't be able to contain yourselves."

"You're allowing this? Why aren't you upset?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows as he stood up.

"I know you both are adults and you should know what you're doing, I trust you both. While I do trust you and cannotr prevent you guys from being together because like I said before, you're adults— I wanted to instead teach you guys how to go about this situation." PSY explained. "To keep things short, don't do too much PDA and keep your relationship more private I beg of you. Don't make what happened at the Asian Artist Awards become a normal thing, next I wanted to say you are allowed to interact on social media but again at a certain limit please. Be safe and if you're going somewhere in public please let the managers know so you won't get ambushed by fans."

I really enjoyed how PSY was calm with all of this, he trusted us and I couldn't ask for a better boss.

"I don't want anyone here to get pregnant before the contract ends, Alaska I'm sure you're responsible enough to be safe and I trust that Felix cares about your future as well." PSY chuckles making me flush red at the thought.

"I could've sent Sua over to tell you all of this but in reality I really wanted to be the ones to tell you." Psy smiled before exiting the dorm.

"Alaska, could you cook for us? Please!" Nina groaned. "I know its a shock you both got together after that huge thing but I'm still hungry and you're the best chef."

I laughed before pressing a kiss onto Felix's cheek and dragging him to the kitchen with me and Nina.

I started to make tacos for the members again and then Nina helped make ramen just in case people didn't want tacos, we didn't want to eat much since it was really late.

But tell me why the whole time, Felix has his arms wrapped around my waist as his chest pressed again my back. His cheek laid onto the crook of my neck as I cooked the meat, it made me feel nice. I felt a little embarrassed because Nina was in the room who tried to act like this wasn't happening.

I could tell she was happy for me though, I would have to explain everything that happened to us soon.

"Okay, lovebirds let's just split up a bit." Yuna walked into the room and separated us.

"Why?" Felix pouted as my back now felt a bit colder since his heat wasn't pressed on my back.

"You guys haven't told us everything, but its about time you guys got back together I mean I've been rooting for you guys since like 5 years ago." Nina snorted as she placed the ramen on the table.

"Oh." Felix blushed as he looked down and scratched his hair.

"Done." I turn off the what from the stove and advise the rest of the girls that the food is ready so they should come out and eat.

After we all late we all got comfortable in the living room, we played a movie while I cuddled next to Felix either a blanket placed on ourselves.

"You're so cute." Felix gushed as he squeezed my cheeks and held me closer.

I narrowed my eyes at him before holding his hand and resting my head on his shoulder.

I can't believe I was finally at peace, was it all a dream? Did I finally get my happy ending?

"Are you getting sleepy, love?" Felix asked as he turned to look at me.

My eyes were getting really heavy, I haven't felt sleepy in a long time and I wasn't able to sleep in a long time. I was always anxious but now— Everything felt right.

To have my group and care for my members, to be successful and achieve my dream, and to be in love with someone who is also in love with me.

"Yeah." I sighed before widening my eyes as Felix picked me up and carried me to my room.

I wasn't expecting him to do any of that, oh my god.

Felix placed me onto my bed and shut the door before turning off the light and cuddling next to me under the covers.

"Felix." I started which made him stare at me with his full attention.

"Yeah?" He answered.

I realized I don't think I ever told him that I loved him, I never confessed that out loud.

"I love you." I said which brought a huge smile to his face as he leaned in to kiss me.

"I love you too." He replied as we both pulled away.

"If we both love each other... Do you want to officially be my boyfriend?" I asked which made him sit up with a frown.

"Ya!" He groaned.

"Huh?" I said in confusion, does he not want to?

"I was supposed to ask first!" Felix pouted.

"Well, you took too long!" I argued and teasingly punch him. "That should've been in your statement when you comfessed to be in public!"

"I was nervous." Felix laid back down and wrapped his arm around my side to oull me closer. "You looked really pretty today though, I couldn't pretend anymore."

"You're cute when you get flustered." I chuckled as I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight, love." Felix said before we both fall into a deep sleep.

A nice sleep that made me truly feel at piece.

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